I walked into the room there he was, the love of my life, just lying there. I sat down and pulled a chair up next to him,

"hey Brad, I know you can't hear me, but I wanted you to know that i'm going to be here all the time and I'm not going to leave your side, not for a second" I looked up at his head and started to cry I put my head on his chest and just cried and cried, the rest of the band came in and so did my friends, they all stood there looking at him for a few minutes then,

"Charlotte, I think it's time to go home now" Elise says but I wasn't ready to go home so I stood up and said

"no, no I'm not going to leave the love of my life here while I'm going off to have fun I won't, I just won't" then I fell to the floor and hugged my knees admitting defeat. All my friends just hugged me and said goodbye, I stood up and then sat back in my seat I was there for hours in silence just looking at brads face wondering if I will ever see his beautiful eyes again, then I started to sing our song, " people like to talk but I can't understand a word, they just threw us to the wolves" then I cried and put my head into my knees I felt James put his arm on my shoulder then he joined in with "but I can't say I'm stronger now my backs against the wall I'm drifting door to door, no I can't rest" then we all were singing and when the song finished it went back to being quiet again, and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up, I wasn't in the hospital, I was silty worried and confused. I sat up and looked around then I decided to look at my phone I turned it on and saw heaps of texts they were mainly from my mum and some from my friends. my mum was wondering were I was and why the girls all left, and Lauren, Elise and Luca texted to ask if Brad was okay, I quickly replied to mum and told her I was fine and that I will be home by midday if not later, and then texted my friends saying he's fine but not awake. I walked out of the room and saw James sitting there with the tv on and a bowl of cereal, I started to walk over to him.

"did that really happen, last night" I asked, he just looked up at me and then signaled for me to sit down, I starred into his piercing green eyes

"I'm afraid so, and when we were in the hospital you feel asleep so I carried up back here and you slept in brads bed, I'm sorry" he says, looking sad and turned away, I quickly stood up and ran back into the from and tripped over a bag and clothes came out, it was Brad's bag I just curled up into a ball and started crying, I think James heard me so he came in to comfort me. It was nice to know that someone else cared for me, but I really just wanted to see Brad. I heard a knock at the door and James went to go and answer it, soon I saw James, Tristan and Connor come in, I stood up and ran over hugging Connor and then looked at Tristan and hugged him too. I pull away from Tris, "Charlotte we will not be leaving for England anytime soon as Brad is still in the hospital, so we will stay here for a few more weeks until he's better" he says,

I looked at them all shocked but it seemed okay.

"yeah, that's cool, but I have to be going now otherwise my mum will worry"I say, Before I walk into the bathroom to wash my face and go to the bathroom.

I walked out and asked if they would be so kind to drop my off at the hospital so I could see Brad and them collect my car, they said yes, then Tristan and Connor walked out the door I started to follow them, until James grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me in close, now I was looking into these piercing green eyes again.

"Charlotte I like you, more than friends" I'm pretty sure I was blushing at this moment, I let go of James,

"James, your nice and all but the love of my life is in that hospital and I thanks you for bringing me home last night, but I need to see him and, I'm sorry but, I don't like you like that" he seemed disappointed and I just walked out the door leaving him. I caught up to Tristan and Connor before they got into the elevator, they looked at me suspiciously.

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