Chapter 32 Moving Day

Start from the beginning

"Of course you do darling. We'll try that Sunday evening I can't wait to see what you have in store for that evening." Draco told her his eyes full of lust he kissed her lips passionately Natasha laughed and spoke to him.

"I think I can come up with a few ideas you might approve of my dark prince. Besides you having that dark tone in your voice is always sinfully sexy. Having darkness has its advantages." She told him Draco nodded with her on that he couldn't argue with that logic. They got up and had their shower quick washing hair and their bodies they used a simple drying spell with their wands and got into their outfits for the day. Draco as always wore his all black look black jacket black button down shirt black pants black socks black belt and black dragon hide boots.

Natasha wore her silky blue top she got for her birthday she got on some nice black pants that had two white stripes on each sides of the legs. She got on blue socks and her black heeled boots. Draco shrunk their bed and put it in the bedroom box. He put their clothes in the box from yesterday into the bedroom box and shrunk it down and put it in his pocket. Natasha grabbed her purse and put her wand inside of it. She slung the purse over her shoulder and walked out of the room with Draco. Draco tucked his wand in his shirt pocket.

Natasha made double sure last night before Draco came home that she didn't miss anything from each room. They walked out of the door and locked the apartment up. They took the elevator down to the lobby. Once at the lobby Draco walked up to the desk and gave them back his key and explained he just inherited his family home in Wiltshire and asked for his deposit back since the apartment was damage free. The receptionist took the key back and gave him back his deposit. Once he got his deposit back the receptionist bid them a good day and they headed towards the garage.

They walked towards Draco's car the 1971 roadrunner. All black on the outside and all black interior on the inside as she remembered it. Draco opened the passenger door for her Natasha smiled and she got inside the car. She buckled her seatbelt while Draco got inside. Draco buckled his seatbelt and put the key in the ignition and turned it over. The car roared to life Draco backed out of the space and drove off. It's been a while since Natasha rode in Draco's car since their first date to be exact she wondered what special feature the car had other than 490 horse power Natasha spoke to Draco.

"What kind of special feature does the car have Draco?" Natasha asked him as he was driving Draco chuckled and answered her.

"It flies love. We have to be out of sight from muggles to push the invisibility booster and I can fly the car." Draco said to her Natasha was surprised she hasn't been in a flying car since the Weasley's flying Ford Angelia. Natasha was excited that Draco's car could fly. Finally on a deserted road Draco hit the invisibility booster and put the car in flying mode and the car flew into the air. Natasha was amazed by this feature in his car he flew the car up to 19 thousand feet he had to be low enough so muggle aircrafts couldn't see him flying a car but also high enough so muggles on the ground couldn't see a flying car.

Natasha looked out the window and saw the clouds fly by as Draco flew the car. It was so amazing. She'd definitely have to sweet talk him into using the car now but only for flying. Natasha spoke to Draco.

"How long before we get to the manor?" Natasha asked him bouncing in her seat Draco answered her.

"It should take us about 3 hours love. Calm down and enjoy the scenery." Draco told her Natasha sighed and looked out the window at the passing clouds she spoke to Draco.

"Darling we should try this at nighttime we could fly by the stars twinkling the night sky." Natasha said to him Draco turned his head and spoke to her.

"Sounds romantic darling if we try that there can't be no moon. We have to be out on a moonless night muggles can't see flying cars fly across the moon." Draco said to her Natasha nodded she couldn't risk having their world exposed like Ron and Harry did their second year. She sat back end enjoyed the scenery she imagined flying the car at nighttime and seeing the stars twinkling the night sky as they flew by them. Natasha loved that Draco's could fly she loved flying but not on broomsticks. She hated the wood between her legs it was the old school way of flying but also the traditional way of flying for witches.

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