💕| You gently put your guitar on the ground and smile, you get a thought and quickly run to your door and walk out of your room, you race over to Matt's door and open it, he was just on his bed watching a movie. "Matt!" "Yea?" "We should have a bonfire in the backyard, so we can all hang out." "Great idea."

💜| Not...

💕|"You set everything up, I'll run to the store and grab the stuff for s'mores!" He nods and you exit his room, you walk over to the front door and walk out of the house, you walk to the grocery store which is not that far away.

A few minutes later...

You get to the grocery store and you grab everything you need, also some colas Matt and Akari forgot to grab.

Another time skip because I'm lazy.

You walk to the front door but hear arguing, so you just listen in. "Leave Y/N alone Matt, I'm not gonna let her fall into your stupid trap!" "Pft, she's already falling for it!" "I can tell, just back off alright, if you don't stop I'm gonna ask if she can move back to her house so she doesn't fall into your stupid trap! Why all of the sudden you start doing this, this isn't my Matt, I want my best friend back!" Holy shit, did I ruin a friendship? Who should I be mad at right now, shit... Matt I guess. You open the door and they stop and just smile. "Y/n, your back!" Matt runs up and hugs you, you just push him away and set the stuff on the kitchen counter. "Whats wrong? Someone hurt you?" "Let's see, yes." "Who?" "You, you think I'm just some type of game Matt? Well your not fucking funny." You rush over to your room and slam the door behind you, you lock it and plop on your bed. "Edd's right, I should move back to my house." You put your hands in your knees and just start to tear up until you hear a knock on your door. "Matt go away, I don't give give a fuck if your sorry." "It's not Matt." You hear a Norwegian accent and you immediately jump up and open the door, you quickly push Tord in and shut the door and locking it behind you. "What did Matt do to you Y/N?" "I don't wanna talk about it...." He sighs and hugs you, he sits on your bed and pats next to him, you gladly sit down and lean your head onto his shoulder. You get pretty tired so you almost fall asleep, he lays you down on the bed and he lays next to you, you gladly snuggle with him under the covers, you eventually fall asleep on accident.

The next day...

You wake up and stretch before realizing your had your face in Tord's crotch so you quickly shoot up pushing the blanket off of you. "Aww, I liked that." You look over to Tord and quickly turn cherry red. "I hate you sometimes Tord." "Aww now why would you say that?" You both laugh a little and you lay back down next to him. "Jeg elsker deg." "Hm?" "It's Norwegian, it's nothing important." "If  you say so." It seemed important but you ignored it. You sniff and and smell smoke, you sit up and realize it's probably the boys not knowing how to cook. "Don't worry, that happens alot, they can't cook for shit." You laugh and hug him. "Why don't you take Edd's hoodie off? It seems pretty big, I got some spares that will fit perfectly." "Alright." You take Edd's hoodie off and get up, Tord gets up to and you open your door, no sign of anyone so you throw Edd's spare hoodie in the dirty close bin in the bathroom. Tord wraps his arm around your back and walks to his room with you, he opens it and walks to his closet, he grabs an extra hoodie and hands it to you, you put it on and it was a perfect fit. "Thanks Tord." "No problem." He boops your nose which makes you smile. "Wanna help me make breakfast?" "Sure, in hopes the others didn't burn the kitchen to ash." You laugh and walk with him to the kitchen, the whole time he had his arm wrapped around your back but you didn't mind. You get to the kitchen and Tom was cleaning throwing away burnt bacon. "Wow, nice job." Tom turns around and he looks pretty angry. "What, jealous Jehovah?" He growls and walks up to Tord but you push him away. "Don't become like Edd and Matt guys, I'm literally on the verge of moving out of this hell." You grab some eggs, bacon, and grits from the fridge and start to cook, Tord helped you with whatever you told him to. When you were almost done cooking you feel hand wrap around your waist, you grab an empty pan and whip around, hitting Matt in the face. "No, Fuck you Matt." "Nice!" Tord high fives you and you laugh. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, jeez, I guess I won't talk to anyone in this house anymore." You look over to Tord and sigh. "I feel bad now.." "Really? Now you feel bad for him?" "He's just a little cinnamon roll Tord!" "Oh yea, totally." "HEY GUYS WHATS GOING ON!?!?!?!" You look over and see Akari run into the kitchen and smile. "Oh nothing much just making breakfast since no one can cook properly. Also Matt apology accepted." "Yay!" "Really? Didn't he do something to you yesterday and that's why you were crying?" "Hey! I wasn't crying!" "I still have tear stains on my hoodie." "Ok fine maybe I was.." "You were crying? I'm so sorry Y/N." Matt hugs you which makes you smile. "Wait.. where's Edd?" "Dunno he ran outside yesterday and never came back in." "Great..." You walk to the back door and see Edd sleeping on the grass. You sigh and walk over to him, you sit down in front of him and dried up tears were on his cheeks, you hug him and he slowly wakes up, he wraps his arm around your back in an attempt to hug you which makes you smile, he starts to tickle your back which makes you fall onto the grass laughing. "How'd you remember?" "I wouldn't forget anything about you, especially your greatest weakness, mweheh!" He keeps tickling you to the point where your laughing so hard you can barely breath, he stops and starts laughing. "Your so annoying sometimes Edd, but that's what I like about you hehe." "Your so cute sometimes, and that's what I like about you." You turn a cherry red as he laughs and helps you get up, you both walk back inside and Tord's trying to get the bacon to not burn. "I GOT IT!" You rush over and grab a plate, you grab the pan and dump all the bacon onto the plate. "Perfect!" You set the food at the dining table and everyone sits down. "Where's Tom?" "Dunno, I think he went to his room." "I'll go give him his food." You grab Tom's plate of food and walk to his room, you quietly open the door and he was just sitting on his bed looking out the window. "Hey, I brought you your food Tom." He turns around and smiles, you walk over and put it on his nightstand. "Sorry, just trying to get away from all the drama." "I know right? I'm just so confused on why the hell all the other guys are acting so weird." "Well I think they should shut the fuck up with the screaming and running across the house, it's just so annoying sometimes." "I know right?" You sit down next to Tom and lean your head on his shoulder. "Am I annoying to you Y/N?" "No, your fine." "Thank god... You know..........." "Yea?" "Your pretty cute." Your face turns a cherry red and he laughs. "I just wanted to see what you look like when you blush and it's so adorable." You give him a little tsundere face and he laughs and hugs you, he pushes you down onto his bed and kisses you. You turn so red you looked like a tomato, he goes up for air and was blushing a lot too. "Shit, shit, shit, I'm sorry."  "It's.... it's ok Tom." You hear the door open and Tord was standing in the doorway. "TOM I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" Tord runs over and punches Tom in the face knocking him off of you, you back up to the other side of his bed, you tear up and quickly run out of the room into the hallway. "Oh my god you ok Y/N?" Edd rushes over and hugs you, you were crying into his hoodie. "Who fucking touched my sister?" Akari walks over and you look at her. "No one, but we need to stop Tord before he FUCKING KILLS TOM!" You walk back over to Tom's room and you open the door, without caring you just rush over and kick Tord in the head knocking him into the wall, you quickly help Tom up and   stand in front of him when Tord gets up. "LET ME KILL THE BASTARD!" "TORD STOP! I FUCKING HATE YOU NOW JUST STOP!" He goes wide eyed and settles down. "Jeg elsker deg." He walks out of Tom's room and goes to his. "He said that earlier what the fuck does it even mean..?" You look over to Tom and he hugs you, blood dripping from his nose onto the hoodie you were wearing but you didn't care. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault..." "No its not, I shouldn't of k-" You quickly cover his mouth and he laughs. "Right, right." You look over and Edd was gone, but he came back with bandages. "Thank you Edd." You grab the bandages and wrap up Tom's wounds, everyone had left by then so you just snuggled with Tom in his bed.

~3561 Total Words~

💚 💜 💙 ❤

~Løvê Tríănglė~ |Eddsworld x Fem! Reader|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें