"Why have I been avoiding you Shannon,

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Character Information

Name: Dani

Nickname: Shana

Age: 25

Looks: Adrian from secret life of an American teenager

Gender: girl

Personally: sweet but ready to kick a$$ if need be

Hobbies: playing sports

Likes: sweethearts and mystery in guys, reading, guitars, singing

Dislikes: dumba$$es, rudeness, excuses

Fears: loneliness

Crush: Shannon Moore

Friends; Jaimie, Jaisminie, Edge, Sugar, the knockouts but not Gail or Madison

“Hey Dani, great match!” saidJaisminie, one of Dani’s best friends, a smile playing on her lips.

“Thanks Jaisminie” Dani said, a smile on her lips as well, she just beat Gail Kim, in a cage match.

Sure Dain was hurting a little, but not as much as Gail, who Dani left in the ring bloody and beaten, Dani hated her and sure it sounded harsh, but really Gail did it to herself if she wasn’t so rude to Dani and her friends, then Dani wouldn’t have had a problem with her.

“I really think you should go see the trainer,” Said Jaisminie, a note of concern in her voice.

Dani looked down at herself. Her outfit was ripped and torn in places, and her knees and legs held bruises and cuts, but she could see nothing that serious.

“Why?” Dani asked, her smile fading, when she saw Shannon Moore walking towards them. It’s not that she didn’t like Shannon, quite the opposite in fact.

Shannon had being her first friend when she had come to TNA, and became her best friend soon after. They would always hangout together, playing video games, going places; they would always travel together, or just talk for hours on end.

But over the last two months or so, she has started to feel something for him; she had fallen in love with him, Shannon, her best friend, and it bothered her. She had a great friendship with Shannon, and she didn’t want to ruin it by telling him how she felt. So she had started to avoid him, in order to squash the feelings she had for him.

It was killing her she missed him so much and her biggest fear was being alone, and she was so alone without Shannon, she loved her other friends, but the hole in her heart wouldn’t go away.

“Why,” Jaisminie said walking up to Dani, and touched her head carefully, “because Dani your heads bleeding.”

“Oh,” was all Dani said, while looking over Jaisminie’s shoulder, at Shannon.

Dani’s heart gave a tug, and she threw a dirty look to Shannon, who rolled his eyes, and sighed hurt and frustrated.

He didn’t know what Dani’s problem was, did he do something wrong and not know, he sighed again and walked away.

Dani’s heart gave another tug. Dani shook her head and looked back to her friend, who was still talking about Dani’s head. “Will you go with me to the trainer?” Dani asked.

“Of course” said Jaisminie, grabbing her friends hand and walking with her. When Dani and Jaisminie got to the trainer, they learned that Dani would have to get seven stitches, but it was no worse than that.

After a few months, Dani had managed to gain a chance for the Knockout’s title from Gail Kim, while successfully avoiding Shannon. Having beat Gail so much Dani had been so confident that she would win the match and the title. What she wasn’t expecting was the interference from Madison Rayne, costing Dani the match.

Dani was furious, and it showed, she was throwing things around in her locker room, when someone, she really didn’t want to see that the moment, come in.

“What do you want Shannon?” Dani asked rage and pain in her voice.

“Oh…who me?” Shannon asked looking over his shoulder, and pointing to himself. “You mean me, your best friend who you haven’t talked to in five months. I want to know why you have been avoiding me.”

Dani snapped and said, “Why have I been avoiding you Shannon, it’s… IT’S BECAUSE I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!” she grabbed her stuff and flew out the door, leaving a very shocked Shannon Moore.

Dani wouldn’t have ever believed that she had told Shannon how she felt, let alone scream it at him, but now that the cat was out of the bag, Dani decided to go talk to Shannon about everything. Dani took a deep breath, and knocked on Shannon’s locker room door.

The door opened, Shannon was standing there, with a hard to read face, but he moved aside so Dani could enter, and then closed the door. Dani looked around and then sat on the couch.

“Look Shannon, I’m sorry for avoiding you, and giving you dirty looks and well, for everything. I didn’t mean or want to hurt you, but I thought that was the best way, to try to get over you, but I was wrong, all I did was hurt us both” Dani said with tears in her eyes, and then the tears fell.

Shannon sighed, and sat down beside her, and pulled her into a hug, and was stroking her hair. “It’s okay Dani, don’t cry. Yes you hurt me from avoiding me, but you hurt me even more for not telling me how you felt. We could have been so happy these last five months, because I love you too.”

It took Dani a few minutes to comprehend what Shannon had said. When she did, she looked up at him and smiled, he smiled too. They started falling closer and closer together until their lips met. The kiss lasted for as long as it could without air, but did have to end. Dani sighed happily, the hole in her heart now gone, and the feeling of being alone vanished, when Shannon wrapped his arms around Dani and pulling her back to him.

Everything was going good for Dani, she had the love of her life, the best friends in the world, and she won the knockouts title from Gail Kim, for Dani her life was becoming complete.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2012 ⏰

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