It Was An Accident

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(request long ago by Lovely2Dovey)

sorry it took so long to write, and it might be bad, anyways lets get into this story shall we.

(Bendy's POV)

Today was a day like any other, me and Boris running for our lives from 2 idiot cups who are trying to kill us. As we ran i spotted a crowd of people doing i don't even know what.

  "BORIS OVER THERE" I yelled and pointed to the crowd, we both ran as fast as we could into them bumping into people and knocking some over, and me yelling a not so sincere 'sorry' over my shoulder. To my joy i had lost Cuphead who had been almost literally on my tail then I realized.... 

'w-where is Boris' I though, next thing I knew i was walking around in a crowd trying to find Boris,  AND trying to avoid the cupbros,

"maybe my plan  worked too well." I said to myself, as I was walking somehow got out of the crowd and into what seemed to be a giant market place 'is this what the crowd was about, a giant market?' I thought 'NO MATTER gotta find Boris'.

 After what seemed like hours of walking around i heard shouting, I turned to see what was going on, and LOW AND BEHOLD I see the one and only Cuphead, right as I bolted for another area in the market with the cup close behind, I saw Boris and... MUGMAN.... 'what are they-' I didn't have long to think before I heard "HEY MOVE IT- WOAH" and was slammed into the ground.

(Cuphead's POV)

I was running after that midget demon when these 2 people walked right in front of me.  "HEY MOVE IT- WOAH" I ran right into one of the two and fell on top of someone. 'AGH stupid crowd now I....' I stopped thinking when I felt that my lips where warmer then before (THE CRINGE XD) 'oh crap' I though. I got up and immediately spoke "I'm sorry I was in a rush an...d...." I didn't even finish my sentence when I saw Bendy underneath me red as could be... 

"shit" was all I could say before standing up "WHAT THE HELL" Bendy screamed at me 'what the hell do I say' my thoughts where interrupted by Mug and Boris laughing and literally rolling on the ground "SHUT UP" me and Bendy yelled at them getting some weird glances.

(time skip brought to you by- me being cringe)

Welp with me being a flustered mess Bendy and Boris ran off while I was yelling at Mug... "hey bro... maybe it's best they got away this time?" Mugs said to me, lost in my train of thought all i did was smile softly, put my hand behind my head like i was a character from a show, and gently say "yeah... maybe it is".

THE END XD... wow i actually liked the ending welp hope you like it

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