Chapter Thirty-Three - Back To Earth

Start from the beginning

Murphy ran up to him. "You have to help me find another exit."

"Would there be one on the top?" Murphy asked, raising a brow and looking up at the top.

"Probably." Jack pointed behind him. "One of the trucks has a ladder in the back, get that and I'll come up with you.

Murphy bit his lip, staring at him before running over to a tree that hadn't caught on fire instead. He grabbed the first branch, and lifted himself up, grabbing the next few and then pushing up off the ground and slowly climbing up the tree. Before long, he was at the top.

"Hey, Murph- MURHPY?!" Jack yelled as he slowly caught sight of him. "What the hell are you doing up there?!"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't need a ladder." He said, before looking towards the station. He was about eight feet from the top.

"Murphy, don't jump!" Eve yelled. "You won't make it!"

Murphy stared down at her for a moment, seeing the fear and worry on her face.

He had to do it, though. If he didn't, there was a chance that they wouldn't make it out of the station. All of the other exits that he knew of were either blocked by the trees, stuck in the dirt, or dented so badly that they couldn't be opened.

He looked down at her again, and saw Eve looking more worried than before. She seemed terrified. He knew why, she was scared of heights. She would be scared that he might fall. There was a possibility that he could, but of course he hoped he wouldn't.

His eyes met with hers for a moment, before he quickly turned his eyesight back to the top of the station.

Jack was still yelling for him to get down. "Murphy, don't! We'll find a better way to get up there! Just wait for the other truck!"

Murphy's lips parted, and he shook his head. He had to get there, he had to see if everyone was okay. He leaned forwards before taking a deep breath. With that, he stepped forwards once before leaping off the thick branch.

At the last second, he felt the last part of the branch snap under his foot.

"MURPHY!" He heard Eve yell down below.

However, the branch breaking didn't matter. He already had the leverage he needed.

His upper body hit the top of the station, his hands gripping at the ledge. He could practically hear both Jack and Eve let out a breath of relief when he was able to pull himself up, breathing exasperatedly once he did.

He stayed there for a few seconds, breathing the fresh air heavily while he still could. The smoke was almost blowing in his direction now.

Murphy stood up slowly, looking around the top of the station. Part of it was on fire, and the smoke was now getting in his eyes. It stung badly. He could see a small hatch with a handle attached to it, it reminded him of the one on the drop ship that kept a barrier between the first and second floors.

He quickly moved over to it, and felt a high level of panic when he saw that it was practically sealed shut. The metal had melted over the creases due to the heat of the fire less than ten feet away from it.

Murphy grabbed the handle, hissing in pain when the steel burned his hands. He grunted in frustration as he pulled off his jacket, putting it around his hands and trying again. No matter how hard he pulled, there was no way he could pull the hatch open.

He pulled back, taking a moment to breath and stare at the coming flames. They were slowly melting the outer layer of the metal.

He slowly realized something. If the metal is being melted, that means that it would be easier to cut... Which meant that he could literally slice the, or at least dent the door enough that he pull it open after a few swings.

He pulled his axe out of the small sheath he kept it in, gripping it at the bottom of the handle. He quickly lifted it above his head before sending it down again. He dented the seal on the first try, which only fueled his fire.

He lifted it again, hitting the hatch with all the energy he could get, even with the smoke blowing in his face and the heat from the fire, which was now less than 8 feet away, licking at his skin. The metal broke at that point, and Murphy quickly dropped the axe.

He grabbed the jacket, once again wrapping it around his hands and pulling at the handle of the hatch. It took three tries, but it finally opened.

There was smoke that poured out of the hatch, and Murphy poked his head into it. "HELLO?" He yelled.

Suddenly, a face moved through the smoke and caused him to jump slightly. They coughed, and then spoke hoarsely. "John? John Murphy?"

He recognized her instantly. Abby. Abby Griffin.

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