And with that I pulled out of Luke's driveway and headed somewheres far away from his house.

I went to the mall and used my bank card to buy some clothes. I would be living in my car until I figured things out. I was defiantly not going back to Luke's house.

I fell asleep in my car that night and set my phone alarm extra early so I could get to the gym locker room to have a shower before classes started.

Luke had called me over 30 times and left 10 voicemails but I refused to talk to him. What he did was unforgivable.

Classes started and I avoided Luke. I saw him in the hallway but I averted eye contact with him and just stared at the ground.

During lunch I went out to my car to sit for some peace and quiet. I must have dozed off because next thing I know someone's opening my car door and sitting in the passenger seat.

I looked over and sure enough it was Luke. Why can't he just leave me alone? He looked like shut actually. He had bags under his eyes and it looked like he had been recently crying. Why would he be crying.

I just sat there looking out the windshield waiting for him to talk. After a few minutes he broke the silence.

"Look Skyy I know you hate me right now and probably don't want to talk to me but I need you to understand that I'm so sorry. I couldn't sleep last night because of what I did to you. I feel so guilty and you have ever right to hate me but-"

I cut him off before he could say anymore.

"Look Luke I don't want to hear about it. I thank you for looking after me and taking care of me, but what you did was unforgivable, now I suggest you leave now and don't turn back. It's what's best for you and I"

"B-But I don't want to leave you"

He really wasn't making this easy for himself it I.

"Get out now" I said harshly.

I looked over and I saw he had tears running down his cheeks. He slowly turned to open the door and got out.

I felt bad for making him cry, what am I saying I shouldn't be feeling bad after what he did to me.

Yes but he did apologize my conscious told me.

Dammit I can't do this. As soon as Luke got out of sight I started balling for what felt like forever. Then I drove off. I was skipping the rest of the day today.


It had been two days since Luke hit me and I was still living in my car and showering at school. I avoided Luke as much as I could. It seemed like he was doing the same. But I couldn't help but notice him staring at me during the classes we had together. Every now and then I would look over to him and he looked completely broken.

After school I decided to stay and have a shower today rather than in the morning so I could sleep in a bit. It's not like I was getting much sleep anyways. I kept having dreams about my father and my car was defiantly not comfortable to sleep in.

As I was walking out of the locker rooms from my shower I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see Ryan.

My stomach did a flip at the sight of him and not in a good way. Last time I seen him he tried to rape me.

"Hey Skyy. You're not looking to well"

He was right I probably looked horrible. I had only been eating crackers the last couple of days and my skin looked much more pale.

My Saving Graceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن