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(screenshot from the anime)

You entered the café, Instantly the owner; a professional woman probably in her late forties flew to you. Repeating ‘thank yous’ as she took lucky out of your arms. You smiled, happy to make someone happy.

After small talk, the lady soon became a friend. Not for any greedy reason, I mean hell you didn't want her reward, but it was rude to decline. She gives you a first free drink or anything. So you start to visit her more often to grab a drink and talk to the owner. Even help around the café, giving donations and doing work here for free.

It was a beautiful cafe too. Nice and huge too. Blue and yellow sea themed furniture, booths, small tables and chairs. Even a counter where the owner was, had chairs for people who wanted to drink and socialize to form a tight bond with fellow citizens. The floor was a shiny reddish-pink wooden floor. There was little stars in some places, and obviously cat shapes too.

And cat towers, shelves and toys sprinkled everywhere. Plus cat food and water, even adoption info of the cats there. The only cat not up for adoption is lucky since she's the mascot.

They sold drinks, deserts and small foods like fries and such, and even star and cat objects. Including notebooks, letters, and cute toys.


“Hey Kaito” spoken softly as you waved at her. “How are you?” You say down.

“I'm fine” adding a smile when you came in. “And good morning! The usual?” Routinely you nod, saying 'good morning’ and a ‘thank you’ back.

Kaito, the owner, handed you the usual drink. You chatted for a while, occasionally petting the cats there.

But you never knew you were being observed the very first day you came in with the poor lost baby, lucky.

Which lucky sees you as her favorite human now.

Anyways, you are an observer too, not the best at being social. But you tried since you done a lot of different work and hobbies. But you have been seeing your observer. Taking notes on him.

And it was obvious to who he was since he doesn't even try to hide himself. It was Eraserhead, and you admired most heros.

You saw him walk in, you waved at him, and he waved back. Then he ordered something and go to a Corner booth to be alone and do whatever. The normal, albeit he wore his hero costume this time and seemingly fatigued. You felt bad for him so you-

🌟Choices🌟 (Vote on what you want in the comments)

◼️Stay quite

◼️Help around the café

◼️Ask to sit with him

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