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What's the first fanfics you've read on wattpad?

I joined wattpad five years ago but I wasn't brave enough to write fanfics at the beginning. So I spent my time ready a lot of fanfics. I remember I once read a fanfic that gave me serious nightmares, I didn't go on wattpad for a week after that book, the author like made Madge survive the bombing of district 12, good for her I thought, she married Gale and had three daughters, the youngest one became great friends with Katniss and Peetas youngest child Rye. This is all happy right? Wrong! Madge ends up being murdered and Gale is arrested for it. Katniss gets pregnant with twins and life is good for them but the question remained, who murdered Madge? Was it Gale? Um that would be a no! Now guess... who's the murderer? GUESS WHO THE AUTHOR MADE INTO A COLD BLOODED MURDERER??? YES THATS RIGHT! PEETA MELLARK! I was like wtf?? This isn't right Peeta with never be a cold blooded murderer! And I don't recall reading that he ever had flashbacks in that book either! That book like literally destroyed me! Like I said I didn't go on wattpad for a week after 😂😂 I don't remember the books name, but I do remember I was searching for inte before but I couldn't find it so I guess the author took the book down 😂😂 but I mean you can't just go around and make Peeta a murderer because he's not a murderer I mean come on people!

That was one of the first books I read. I also remember four other books I read. hungergamesem is the author of those books, I don't really know what happened to her to be honest! She joined wattpad a year before I did and I instantly loved her books! Under the willow was my favorite, it's still my favorite, it's so good it's crazy! Her account is still up so if you haven't checked out her books I could really recommend you do because they're good, and even though she isn't active on wattpad anymore her books are still available and are really worth a read! Under the willow is an au fan fiction about Katniss and Peeta in High school, and she also have an after mockingjay trilogy, they're also so good! That's the first books I ever read because her account was the first one I came across when I searched for Hunger Games fan fictions!

It's crazy how fast time flies by I mean that was five years ago, wtf, FIVE FREAKING YEARS! I was a naive 16 year old girl when I joined wattpad, full of dreams and hopes and I never ever imagined my account and books would become so popular! I still don't believe it though! My grammar isn't perfect I actually didn't know a thing about America but almost all my fanfics takes place in America 😂 google as been a good friend of mine! Now five years later I'm 22years old and a mother to a boy named Gabriel who now is 7 months old! It's like I blinked and all years just passed me by!

When I started the account I just thought I was going to read a lot of fanfics and maybe write a little of my own but I never thought people would actually end up reading them, I remember when I had 20 reads on a book and like 10 likes and I was hyperventilating in my room because I was soooooo happy 😆 I mean oh god I'm almost crying now because this account means so much too me as do everyone of my followers and readers! I just love you all so much and I love wattpad and nothing could ever make me leave! I mean I was on my own death bed like literally, no one thought I was going to survive not even the doctors but I fought and I fought and I managed to stay strong enough to survive and that's why I've been slow with updates, I just recently stopped taking medications, but now I feel great and I'm so happy I survived, I'm so happy I can write again! You don't get how happy I am to be able to write again, it's what I want to do with my life, writing IS my life. Without being able to write I wouldn't be me, I wouldn't be Josephine, that's the thing some people just don't get, that without my writing I wouldn't be who I am!

Okay now I'm crying so I have to stop writing

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