It's All About Your Heart

Start from the beginning

“Oh?” Harry says, his voice dropping so low that the question mark is non-existent.

Suddenly nervous, Eggsy rubs his palms once, twice, on his suit-clad thighs under the table, says, “Yeah. Mums, you know.”

Harry hums. “I do.”

Then, he picks up his knife and fork, cutting into the ravioli with the precision of a man who knows intimately where a man’s organs are located, and takes a small bite.

Eggsy dry-swallows at the barest sight of Harry’s sharp, pearl-like teeth. He hastily grabs his glass of water and gulps down to hide his embarrassment, Harry chooses that moment to slowly say, “I also know your mother isn’t called Merlin.”

With a careful smile, Harry hands him a napkin for Eggsy to wipe off the spilled liquid.

“You should be glad it’s not wine.” Harry takes another bite, eyes not leaving Eggsy’s.

“Er. Yeah.” There is sweat starting to gather at the back of Eggsy’s neck.

Fight or flight? It all depends on how much Harry heard. Fight: tell him the truth and confess his feelings. Flight: ask Merlin to make him a fake passport and live out the rest of his life in a deserted island mourning for his nipped-at-the-bud love.

“So. The auction,” Harry starts, getting right to the core of the matter. “It was all of you guys’ doing?”   

Fuck. He knows everything. Flight, flight, flight! Thought Eggsy’s brain.

“Mmm,” is all he can muster.

“Was it funny?”


“I said, was it funny? To toy around with my feelings?”

“What?” Eggsy repeats, completely losing track of where this is heading. If it is heading somewhere at all.

“Him, setting up a fake charity auction. You, pretending to ask for my help with the knowledge of how I feel. Felt. About you.”

The sharp, metallic clinks of Harry’s knife and fork on the still-full plate sounds like shattering glass to Eggsy’s ears.

“What did you mean when you say you felt something for me?” Feel? Felt? Why do tenses matter at all?

“Don’t try to change the subject, Eggsy.” Harry’s eyebrows furrow, he looks away as if in pain.

“The subject, Harry, is what I see as important.” Eggsy leans his upper body towards Harry, always to the direction of where Harry’s at, that’s the default state of his entire physical being now.

Biting his lower lip, Harry sighs. “What I felt doesn’t matter now. It’s all a complete joke to you anyway, isn’t it? I understand. I get it.”

“Get what?”

“That this is your way of letting me down gently.” Harry winces.

“That’s,” Eggsy sucks in cold air, “utter and complete bullshit, Harry.”

His right hand, which has been gripping the tablecloth, moves to grab Harry’s retreating one and secures it there. Because this is not the time for either one of them to be a coward.

“How can I let the person with whom I have been in love with for months down when I don’t even know if he feels anything remotely romantic for me?” He says it all in a rush, afraid that Harry will leave if he so much as hesitates.

A beat of silence. Then:

“You mean?”

“Yes.” Eggsy chuckles nervously.

“That you-”

“Yes, Harry.”   

“And I-”

“Of course.”

“But then-”

“I owe him a lifetime supply of KFC hot wings.”

“Oh.” Harry shyly looks down at their joined hands.

“Yeah. Oh.” Eggsy grins, the fondness in his eyes no longer a secret, and does the same. 

He brings Harry’s hand up, Eggsy’s thumb lightly touching the skin on his fingers, steady and sure, and keeps their eye contact as his lips descent on the older’s man hand.

He doesn’t miss the way Harry’s skin flushes at the base of his neck and how lovely the scarlet tinge spreads to his ears and cheeks.

Is this still the same man who interrogated him five minutes ago?

He is, and Eggsy adores Harry for it.

Harry coughs and tries to find something else to say. “Does this mean you won’t be doing your Mum’s shopping later then?”

Eggsy laughs, his nose rubbing at the back of Harry’s hand.

“No, Harry.”

He looks up, calm and brave now. He feels Harry’s light pulse on his ring finger.

Softly, he says, “No. It’s a rule which I made up moments ago, by the way. That I don’t go to Tescos on the night when I’m finally out on a date with Harry Hart.”

In Eggsy’s head, Harry Hart has always been synonymous with ‘the one I hold dear’ or ‘he whose life I’d trade mine for in a heartbeat’.

And it isn’t exactly an appropriate thing to say them aloud now.

But with the way Harry’s hand remains under his on the table the entire night, Eggsy knows that sometimes, sentiments are better felt than said.

Eggsy UnwinWhere stories live. Discover now