Chapter 8- I Hate Him But Just One Percent Less Now

Start from the beginning

I think about what he says and nod. "I mean, everyone is different so I guess I know what you're saying."

"What I also like about this place is the fact that there are so many kids," he adds, pointing at the little devils running around. "I love kids. Don't you?"

I resist from scrunching up my nose. "Uh yeah, sure. They're bratty and whiny and intolerable, but overall, they're... great."

"Someone's feeling extra sarcastic today," Adam chuckles, poking me on the forehead.

I scowl and push his hand away, but secretly, I did enjoy that.

"Okay, let's get back on topic," He says with a serious face. It's weird to see him with a straight face because he's either always smiling or laughing. "What in the world were you doing at my house and how'd you even get in?"

"It's a long story," I state.

Adam shrugs. "I have plenty of time to hear your long story."

I heave a long sigh, knowing that he's probably not going to stop asking until I give him answers. It's time to tell him everything from Chase's blackmail to the principal, my plan to get the photo from his phone, me sneaking in the boys locker room (excluding the shower part), me finding his keys, and all the way to us sitting on the bench right this moment.

The only big thing that I left out in the story is me taking Chase's photo of his mom. I don't know if I should tell Adam about that. I feel a bit guilty about it.

Adam doesn't say anything at all until I finish speaking. And even now, as I finish, he blinks a couple of times, saying nothing.

"...So that's my story," I say with a nervous smile. I wonder how he feels after hearing all of what happened. Would he take Chase's side? Does he think I'm annoying and bothersome? His moment of silence is making me way too nervous.

I've never had a problem telling people things because I'm a naturally open person. However, I do get really paranoid about what their reactions are.

"Wow," Adam exclaims, his brain still processing my whole story.

"Seriously?" I ask, shooting him a 'what the heck' kind of face. "I pour out my life story- well, not exactly life story, more like a story, to you and that's all you say? 'Wow'?"

"Okay. That was pretty bad. Let me try again," Adam says, chuckling. "You're so funny, and brave, and stupid, and passionate, and determined, and it really makes me like you."

He called me stupid... but he likes me! My heart soars at the sound of his words, even though he might not mean it in a romantic way, and I feel super giddly inside. I don't exactly feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach (how would that even feel like?), but I do feel something good inside my tummy.

"Chase is so troublesome, and rash, and stubborn, and he's my brother."

My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. Did I just hear him correctly?

"What did you say?" I ask hesitantly. I'm not even sure if I even want him to answer that.

"Chase is my brother," Adam states, seriously. "Well, we're not blood related brothers, but we've been living under the same roof for most of our lives so he is basically my brother."

I have always suspected that Chase and Adam somehow knew each other, but I really didn't expect them to be living under the same roof. It's just so crazy thinking about it, but it all makes sense; how Adam knows so much about him and why Adam never seems to be frightened by him.

"Wow," I exclaim, still processing his information. "I would've never have guessed you guys are brothers because you guys are nothing alike."

"Yeah, well no one really knows about our relationship," he says, looking forward at the playground filled with kids running around. "You're one of the few that know."

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