Chapter 7

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"Steve, you shouldn't have. It's not even my birthday," Tony said.
"I didn't. Who are you?" Steve asked. You could hear the caution in his voice.
"Y/n," you replied. You took a seat on the couch. Tony walked over and sat next to you, admiring you.
"Leave her alone, Steve. She's obviously here for me," said Tony.
"If she was here for you, the guards would've told us," Steve said, he looked ready to fight.
"Tony only wishes I was here for him," you snorted.
"How did you get in here, no one told us about a visitor."
"You'll get mad, if I show you."
"Show me. Now."
The last part was a command and you couldn't not obey Captain America. His intensity gave away the fact that he didn't trust you. He didn't have any reason to either. You were an unknown person inside of a heavily secure facility. You got to your feet and teleported next to Steve, who was still on the other side of the room. You caught the arrow that had been shot at you. You looked up at Hawkeye, who was glaring at you. He walked over to Steve.
"I would appreciate it if you didn't try to injure me," you snapped. You held out the arrow, which he snatched away from you.
"That's the same shit Loki did," you heard Hawkeye whisper.
"Why are you here?" Steve urged.
"I'm looking for Thor. I need to talk to him."
"Is he expecting you?"
"No, he doesn't even know I'm on Midgard."
"So, you are Asgardian?"
"Yes, I am. Now, if you could please go get Thor and tell him that I'm here."
"He's not here. How do I know you're not a threat?"
You walked back over to the couch and sat down next to Tony. He didn't seem as bothered by you as Steve did.
"Have I blown anything up?" you asked.
"No. You can wait here for him, if you go anywhere else we will assume you are a threat and attack."
"Steve don't be so harsh. Look at her, she's too pretty to do anything bad," Tony said.
"So just because I'm pretty, means I can't be bad?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"What have you done that's so bad?" he retorted.
"Let's see... I did grow up with Thor and Loki, so between the battles and tricks they kept me busy. I've also had men make the same mistake of doubting me and thinking they could hit on me. They ended up with a knife in them."
Steve laughed, as Natasha strolled into the room. Tony, now annoyed, got up and walked over to the bar to get a drink.
"I like her," Natasha said.
"I don't trust her," Clint muttered.
"Just because I grew up with Loki, doesn't mean I'm anything like him. He's the reason I'm here to talk to Thor."
Natasha, Steve and Tony asked you questions about Asgard, while Clint watched you closely from a distance. You waited just about an hour before Thor had come back.
"Y/n!" Thor boomed, when he saw you. His hammer made a load thud, as it hit the ground.
"Thor," you smiled, walking over to him. He wrapped you up in his arms and hugged you close.
"How have you been? Why are you on Midgard?" he asked.
You held up your wrist, the one with the cuff on it.
"What am I supposed to be looking at?"
"The cuff."
"It's pretty?" he tried.
"It's a portable prison."
"Who put it on you?"
"Why would Odin imprison you? You are like a daughter to him."
"It's not really him... ouch!" The cuff burned on your wrist. You knew you needed to watch your next words carefully.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't say or you'll die."
"Damn, that's dark," Tony said.
"Can we go somewhere a little more private?" you asked, looking around.
The room had been joined by Bruce Banner, as well as a couple new members you didn't know. Clint was still watching you closely. Thor nodded and put his hand on your back, leading you away from the rest of them. He led you into a small conference room. You leaned back against the table and looked at him.
"How long has Odin not been Odin?" Thor asked.
"About two months," you replied. You watched as he tried to do the math in his head.
"But it's been five months?" He meant since Loki had faked his death.
"He didn't do it immediately. Thor, I think you should come home."
"Y/n, I wish I could but I cannot return just yet, Midgard still needs me."
"I think something might be wrong with him."
"Because he let me watch a painful memory concerning Frigga. It was right after her death, when he was in his cell. He was depressed and blames himself."
"Are you sure it's not part of some plan to get you to feel bad for him? It would give him something to hold over your head. We both know he wouldn't be below doing such a thing, especially to you. He knows how much you miss Frigga."
"I don't know, maybe."
"I wouldn't think too much into it, he's always up to something. Even if it was real and it did mean something, he will still use it against you in the end. Honestly, I think you remind him of Frigga sometimes and that probably bothers him."
"If that were true, then why would he put a portable prison on me. He is constantly watching me, whether it's himself or his guards. I'm kind of surprised I wasn't followed here."
"If he's been keeping tabs on you, then he knows exactly where you are. The only reason you're here is because he let you be here. Troy isn't here, right?"
"No, Troy is still on Asgard." Troy and Thor had never gotten along.
"Good, how long are you planning on staying?"
"I have no idea."
"Come, let us join the others and we can discuss where you can sleep."

Rivals (revised) Loki x reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now