"Will see it soon. Let's get to the last store that was ransacked."

"Right." They got to their destination.

"Wear these so you can get in."

"Right." they put on FBI badge. As they came up to store.

"Excuse me miss, this is close off."

"FBI, let us through." Maria shows her badge.

"Oh sorry, ma'am." They lift up the tape.

"Yo, isn't that Maria...?"

"Bro, she hot for being the second leader of the 2cd Squadron. I wonder if she single?"

"I heard her and her team took on some Bio-Terrorist and won."

"Someone famous." Whisper Aero to Maria.

"Shut up."

"Woah, who those two guys beside her?"

"I never knew she had more people on her team."

"Wait? That face? That Lester Bowman."

"Yeah, so?"

"Dude, his Big Brother was one the Best FBI people ever. It also said he was the only one who knew how to fight in the way of the bass knuckles knives. Also known as Chakra Blades."

"What are those?"

"Special Design knuckles blades, which is fuse the user's soul and it very strong it can cut through anything. But you must have a strong soul to use them and must be a strong person in way of hand to hand combat. And Lester big bro is the only one who is known to use it."

"I see..."

"Wait, your big brother is the famous Allen Bowman!?" said Maria to Lester.

"We will talk about that another time." Lester looks straightforward.

"Who the third guy?"

"That AERO CASH! It was said back in high school when he took a test to see how good he was. To enter sudden schools and Military branches he scores so high they wonder why didn't he?"

"Was he was that good?"

"Wow...These three teaming up meaning this is big."

"I guess we all may a name for our self after high school," said Maria.

"Some of us not so good," said Lester.

"Doesn't Aero wearing that scarf look like the Silent Killer?"

"Please, that guy is dead. There no way those two are connected." Aero just stay quiet.

When they got inside. "Hmm? Oh, Maria it you," said Officer Blake.

"Hello Officer Blake, we need to know everything you know so far."

"We?" He looks behind her. "Ma'am we all due respect, but why do you have that fool Aero behind you?" he pointed at Aero.

"You two know each other?"

"You can say that." Aero smirk.

"How is Elisa doing?"

"My girl is just found, sir."

"Your girl!?"

"Yep, if you got a problem with that, too damn bad." Aero had a big grin on his face.

"Tch. Well, Maria, the crime happens at 11:20 pm last night. The store owner is ok, but whatever ran through this place rip through everything."

"Gotcha, thank you we'll take it over from here." Officer Blake was leaving when he bumps into Aero.

BIO HUMANS (BOOK 1) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now