Tia Again????

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Shivaay is back into his busy business world but he always finds his valuable time for his love and sunshine. Shivaay Singh Oberoi's name wasn't heard anywhere in business or news in the past two and a half years as he wasn't into business and Tej always made his personal details strictly confidential. As SSO is back, all the business mergers are shocked and frightened because they knew how intelligent and capable is SSO, their business may face a huge loss in competing with Oberoi group with involvement of SSO. But nobody knew about his mental instability, marriage with Annika or about vaani.

Kapoor mansion :
Mr. Kapoor : Again we had lost the deal and this time, oberois got it so easily, while we were struggling to get it.
Tia: wait, what?? Oberois?? And Tej uncle is least interested in fashion world and it's tenders right.. Then how did they got it?? Why did they applied for it??
Mr. Kapoor : wake up Tia.... It's not Tej who deals with all that... It's shivaay... Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
Tia (shocked) : whaaaaat?? Shivaay??? It's impossible dad... He was mentally unstable. No news about him was heard in the past two years. I thought he might be in some mental asylum. how can he appear all of a sudden and get the tenders just like that??
Mr. Kapoor : I think he wasn't mentally sick or all those bullshits.. He might have had just a shock out of his father's death which lasted for 2-3days or weeks, that's it. He is perfectly all right, infact, he is much better and smarter than before. I had met him yesterday.
Tia : are you sure dad?? Then, where the hell was he for the last 2 - 3 years??
Mr. Kapoor : I don't know Tia... If u are too curious.. Go and find it out but... I have to take rest,, I am suffering out of my loss in business.
Tia planned something and she went to sleep.

Oberoi mansion *
Annika is packing a small suitcase.Shivaay is trying to stop her by pleasing and pleading. Vaanu is watching them with her curious blue little eyes.
Shivaay : please Annie... Is it that urgent to go this evening?? I will miss you...
Vaani(smiling) : mich u mumma...(miss u mumma)
Annika just passed a casual look at both of them.
Shivaay : yeahhhh... See.... Vaanu will miss u too Annie... Leave me... I will somehow manage without u,, but how will our poor little baby manages without you?? She will not sleep without you and you even breastfeed her Annie...how can you ignore her??

Vaanu just realized what her papa said and with a shock she said: lo mumma.... Lo.... Vaanu mich u.... Peas mumma..ton go.. MUM.. (no mumma... No... Vaani miss u... Please mumma..don't go. . MUM ) 

Shivika couldn't hold their laugh to see their lovely baby's shocked face

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Shivika couldn't hold their laugh to see their lovely baby's shocked face.
Annika looked at her dramebaaz husband and baby and paused her packing and went near him.
Annika : shivaay, don't exaggerate things,, I have to go,, it's been 2.5 years dadi and oberois were taking care of my sahil. It's his vacation and he feels like seeing me. How can you be so selfish? I will just go and be with him tonight and will bring him here tomorrow morning, if his hostel warden permits. It's just the matter of one night. And u said u will manage without me... Then please do manage for a night and about vaani,,, I had told u 1000 times that I will take her with me,,but u and others doesn't agree to it. And about her feeding habit,, she is going to be one and a half years shivaay. She can have almost every kind of food by now and I am trying to stop feeding her. Is everything clear?? Now please let me pack and u drop me at the bus station.

Vaanu was exclaimed and couldn't even utter a word, not because her mumma is leaving, but because her mumma revealed that she is planning to stop feeding her.

Shivaay hugged Annika and said " I will miss you love"
Annika smiled and parted the hug and kissed his lips (forgetting about vaani's presence) I will miss you too...so so badly...
Vaani: mumma.... Vaanu??
Annika took her in arms and pecked her cheeks and said " I will miss you too.. My baby.. My little heart... My lucky charm"
Vaanu smiled and pointed her own lips and said :mumma... Ere... (mumma... Here)
Shivika's eyes widened in shock.
Annika pecked vaani's little lips and said " mumma loves you baby,, and don't ask kissy here from anyone okay"
Vaanu (confused) :by mumma (why mumma)
Annika(stern and nervous) : mmm.... It's like that..no more questions vaanu.. Let me pack..

Annika resumed her packing and shivaay smirked at her nervousness.
Annika(in shivaay's ears): I had told you thousand times to mind yourself when vaanu is around.
Shivaay : hello, u kissed me,, not me... Remember...??
Annika : whatever... I am done with packing... Come drop me now..

Shivaay and vaani went to bus station to drop Annika and she bid a good bye to her husband and baby after showering them hugs and kisses.

Annika(in phone) : hello shivaay,,, I am so sorry that I cannot come tomorrow morning because sahil has one more exam to finish by tomorrow and after that only he can leave for vacation. So, we will come by day after tomorrow. You take care, take care of vaanu..
Shivaay : ohhh no Annika... I am struggling without u for a night but now u are telling you will come only after 1 more day..what the hell ??
Annika : shivaay.....
Shivaay :okay... Okay... I'm missing you... my baby's mumma.... Mmwwwaaahhhh
Annika felt butterflies in her tummy when he addressed her as 'his baby's mumma'. She felt special of his kiss..
Annika: I am also missing My love and its symbol....Mwwahhh..
Shivaay felt so happy as Annika said that romantically and kissed via phone and they hung the call missing each other badly.

Morning *
Everybody was getting done with their own daily chores and vaanu is sleeping. She slept very late as she was missing her mumma. Shivaay asked omru to take care of her after getting up.

'Shivaaaaaayyyyyy baby........' A voice echoed in oberoi mansion.

Shivaay looked at the entrance to see Tia (cover pic)
Shivaay : TIA AGAIN?????

Precap : to be continued 😜😜😜

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