Let Me Go ( Angus MacGyver)

Start from the beginning

You didn't have to ask twice. In 10 minutes you already prepared some sort of explosive that should create a little ca-boom and seal this door so you can stay on the surface till help arrived.
— Ok, Ams, on the count of three, one...
— Two...
You pushed the button of the walkie that should serve as a detonator and....nothing happened.
—-Mac, it doesn't work! - you said and he heard panicking notes in your voice. Hell he was panicking himself trying to understand what went wrong and why your version didn't work. The timer on Riley's pad showed you and the crew had only 8 minutes left.
— I must find a way to get it work from here remotely, — he told, more to himself, trying to find something that could help.
—Mac...MacGyver! — he didn't hear your voice at first, until you started shouting really loud— is it possible to do it manually?
— Yes, you need to... wait, — he stopped at sudden realization of what you was going to do, — don't even think about it, do you hear me?! Don't even dare! - he tried to stay calm, but felt his hands started trembling and voice cracking at the thought.
— Mac it's the only way and you know it, - you said feeling tears starting to gather in the corner of your eyes. No, you wasn't afraid to die, not at all. With the job like that you actually came to peace with the idea that you probably wouldn't live long life and grew old.But the thought that you would never see Mac's face again. Well, that was a lot to bear. But you knew that lives of 31 people depended on your choice. And you were not allowed to make a mistake or think about just yourself at the moment.
— No it's not, I'll come up with something, just give me a minute, - he said, running in panic around the room.
— Mac, please, we don't have time to spare, so just...do it with me, would you?
The man stopped and looked at the screen, tears in his eyes. He couldn't let you do it. Couldn't let you die like this. But he couldn't help you being thousands of miles away. You were already in the room where the hole appeared and closed the door. You looked at him, sad smile appearing on your lips.
— We both know you'd do the same without any hesitation, — with these words you stroke a match. Mac did the same in the war room. You approached the door, and the next thing Mac heard was a little boom, that meant that the plan worked and the only way out for his girlfriend was sealed. His match almost burned out, and the fire started to hurt his fingers, but he didn't care. Tears were streaming down his face now.
— Ok, I guess I have some time, so talk to me, please.
He heard your voice and open his eyes. You were crying too, but there was this expression on your face that said you were hundred percent sure you did the right thing.
— Remember how we first met? — you asked him, trying to take his mind off the thoughts of inevitable, — I really thought you were the geekiest guy I've ever met.
— Yeah, I outgeek pretty much everyone. And I thought you were the most beautiful criminal I've ever have to capture. Good it turned out you were just working undercover, otherwise it would be hard to date you.
— Well, you could've always visited me in the prison, - you laughed, trying not to show Max that you started to trembling as the freezing water was filling the room. And that you were actually scared. You both stayed silent for a moment.
— Mac, - you said quietly and met his clear blue eyes once again. God how much you wanted to be with him right now. He looked at you as if trying to remember your face before you phone would die and you disappear from the screen, and this time forever, —promise me one thing. You won't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault. And it's not Matty's fault. It's nobody's fault.
—We should've gone together on this one...
— But we didn't. Mac I love you and wanted so much to just kiss your stupid face one more time, — Mac closed his eyes, trying to keep himself from bursting into tears. He needed to be strong for you. He would have all the time to cry later.
— But it's our job and I guess sooner of or later something like that had to happen. I just didn't thought it would happen so soon. But I need you to promise me you'll move on. Find someone great.And be happy. For me. Or I'll become a ghost and will haunt you for the rest of your life, — Mac chuckled at this threat of yours.
— You know ghosts aren't real, right? - You smiled at him. The water almost reached you chest and you already stopped feeling you legs because of the cold— I love you, Amy.
You understand that you have just the second left before you'll be under water completely and your phone stopped working.
— I love...- Mac heard the water splash and the screen became black. He kept staring at it, deep inside hoping that you would appear on the screen again and told him you were coming home. But the screen stayed black and silent. He didn't know how long he stayed like that, but then finally he turned away from the screen and left the room.

It was almost late in the evening and Mac was still standing on the terrace staring at the night city. There were no tears left to cry.
He thought he would be angry, or sad, or anything. But he was empty. He didn't feel anything at all. How could he move on, pretend like nothing had happened? He always knew how he felt about you, but now with you gone he truly realized what you meant to him. After Nikki he thought he never met someone he could love as much as he loved her. But when you appeared and took his heart in a moment. And now you weren't here anymore. He remembered your words about haunting him. Gosh, he wish ghosts were real now, than he could see you again.
— I thought you'd wanna know. The coast guard reached the ship, saved all thirty-one people on board, — he heard Matty's voice. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't noticed her approaching.
— It should've been thirty two, - he said bitterly.
— Mac...
— Matty...I don't really want to talk right now.
— Then we don't have to. - Matilda couldn't even imagine how he felt. She was devastated by the loss of her agent, by the loss of the good friend. But she knew what you ment to Mac and she didn't expect him to feel ok any time soon but she was ready to give him all the support he needed. Cause that's what family do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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