Let Me Go ( Angus MacGyver)

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Warnings: angst, mention of death

You still was not sure whether this mission was a success or a total failure

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You still was not sure whether this mission was a success or a total failure. Well, you stopped the terrorist attack, as you should have, but now you were stuck on the ship in the ice somewhere in the middle of the Arctic ocean, cause these bastards blew up something on your ship.
— Ok, Amy, what's the news? - you see director Webber on the screen of you phone.
— Well, I stopped the attack...
— Great, now get your butt back to the Phoenix, I've got another mission for you.
— Well, Matty, that might be more difficult. They managed to blow up something on our ship and now we out of electricity and as a result the heating system went down, and it's pretty damn cold here. I think we can use some help.
You see how Matilda's face changed. That certainly wasn't the news she wanted to hear.
— We can't send a chopper there or a plane to you, it's way too cold, - she said. She knew that she couldn't help you this time. — I try to contact the coastal guard to see if they can get to you and get Blondie here ASAP, he will think of something to get heating back.
— Well, he certainly will be pissed.
You cancelled the call and looked around. There were 32 people on board, including you and every minute it became colder and colder. You couldn't even imagine that it could be this cold somewhere on this planet. The people around you were scared and there was no chance some of them turned out to be at least half as brilliant as MacGyver. So your only hope was that this genius would come up with something great and you'd be able to make it without him by your side. Your phone rang and you pick up the call just to see the Mac face on the screen.
— Hey, love, nice to see you.
— Amy, what the hell are you doing there? - by his voice you understand that he was not very happy to say the least.
— Well, you and Jack were busy on the mission and this one was quite an urgent call, so Matty sent me and I went alone. But we really can talk about it later, yeah? Cause it's freaking cold and...
— Ok, I need you to make a list of all you had on that ship. And I mean everything.
— Oh, believe me, I know what you mean...

In a half an hour everything you had on the ship was gathered and Mac had exactly the same stuff in the war-room of the Phoenix HQ.
— Ok, so first we must return electricity back. You need to....
Mac started to talk quickly at the same time creating some power generator or whatever he was building to get electricity back. For a moment you were lost in all the explanations.
— I'm sorry I go to quickly, — you heard his voice and looked at the screen of your phone.
— No, no, it's fine, I just....
— What? Come on, talk to me, sweetheart, - he sat in one of the chairs like nothing was happening and you weren't on the broken ship in the middle of nowhere risking being frozen to death.
— I just get used that we get in a mess like this together and you always do you MacGyver thing, like built a new ship out of nothing and we all get out of it alive and happy, - you said trying to stop your hands from trembling.
— And you get out of this one alive and happy as well, I promise you, - he said, trying to calm you and himself down. Though he had to admit he was more than nervous: one thing is to be there and do it with your own hands and it's absolutely different to tell somebody what to do. No, he didn't doubt you, but himself and his ability to explain, - you just need to be my hands on this one, ok?
— Ok, — you smiled at your science boy and all he wanted was to grab you in a tight hug, making sure you're safe and sound by his side,but you were who knows how many miles away, - I think we better start.
And step by step, minute by minute, repeating every Mac move you built a some sort of generator which returned electricity and, as a result some heating to the ship. Than he helped you to build an air filter to clean the air in the ship from the smoke caused by the explosion and fire that started in several places on the ship. When you sat down on the floor to have some rest, Matty entered the war-room.
— Ok, Amy, help is on its way, they'll be at your location in 3 hours, — she said seeing your tired expression on the screen.
— Thanks, boss, — you blew the lock of your hair off your face, — and Mac, thank you for help.
— Well, technically I did not do anything,just talk, so it was all you. I'm so proud of you, —you met his eyes with yours and smiled gently, thanking the world for all the technologies that allow you to communicate and that you can see him, cause to tell the truth he was the only person in the world at the moment who prevented you from the panic attack and made you feel a bit more courageous than you were.
— I must say I had a great teacher. So how did your mission go?
— Nothing interesting, you know, as usual. Blew something up, put the bad guys in the cell, save the world.
— I think I'd better ask Jack, I bet he will tell it more colorfully, - you both laughed. You noticed Matty leaving, not wishing to interfere into your relationship.
— I'm still mad at you I hope you know, - Mac said, coming closer to the screen, - it was very reckless of you to come alone on a mission like that.
— Oh, come on, don't become all grumpy. It's not like I'm a total newbie or something. I'll make it up to you when I come back, - you answered teasingly.
— I love you, - he said quietly, stretching his hand towards the screen as if he wanted to touch you. But with all the technologies available this one thing he couldn't do, no matter how desperately he wanted to.
— I love you too, genius. I hope you... what the hell? - you were interrupted by some noise Mac couldn't recognize at first. But by the moment you picked up the phone and showed to him what happened he already knew, what this sound was. And it meant nothing good for you and the rest of the crew.There was a hole in the ship and the water start pouring through it quite quickly.
— How bas is this? — you asked Mac. At that moment Riley and Matty came back to the room.
— Really bad, Amy, - you heard Riley's voice, who was now typing something on her computer, - if you don't seal this hole soon, the ship goes down in 20 minutes.
— Ok, just don't panic, OK?! - you shouted to all the people who were on board, as they started to whispering something between themselves- Mac this door doesn't work, so any idea how to stop this water flow would be great at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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