"Howdy. My name's Richard. Err, this is my gang." He nodded back, looking tough with his granite expression.

Steve and Soda slowly nodded, eyes scanning over Richard and then the other boys, looking them over.

One was an Indian, another was a little pudgy, and another was completely covered in dirt, filthy.

"Well, i'm Steve and this is Soda," Steve swallowed and pointed to his friend, still skeptical, looking at Richard. "What can we help you with?"

Richard's eyes went narrow as he glared back as the short one suddenly wandered off to look at the many rows of chips, a few of the others following. "Um," He seemed to pause, clearing his throat. "Might I ask what year is it?" He looked a little skeptical.

Soda looked at Steve, blinking. "Why, it's 1965."

Richard's eyebrows raised to his forehead, his mouth an 'o' and his head quickly turned to face the blonde. "Ya hear that, Doc?"

The blonde looked surprised too. "Wh-What do you make of it, Dick?"

"Somethin' wrong?" Soda frowned a little, swallowing.

Richard looked back at him. "Um, no, no. Everything's fine." He gave a nod, huffing. "And we're in Tulsa, correct?"

"Of course." Soda nodded, eyeing over the blonde, taking in his features.

He was very handsome with long, soft, blonde hair and green eyes and looked very friendly. But he still had a gun like the rest of them.

Richard looked back at Doc and murmured something that Soda and Steve couldn't hear.

Suddenly there was a yell from the back of the store and what sounded like a hissing noise, followed by crazy laughter.

Soda and Steve's eyes widened and immediately looked around for Two-Bit, thinking it was him because of the all too familiar laugh, but Two-Bit wasn't here.

Richard whirled around and Doc turned too.

"Chivato!" Someone yelled.

"What's going on?!" Richard barked.

Suddenly the short one came running up towards the front holding a large bottle of pop in his hands, pop spraying out everywhere as he had one of his fingers in the top of the bottle, laughing crazily.

"Boy this place sure has some crazy things!" He laughed and pop kept spraying out, getting some on Doc and Richard.

"Hey! Sh**, watch it Kid, put it down," Doc hissed, reaching for it as the pop finally stopped coming out.

"Uhhh, he's gonna have to pay for that ya know," Steve drawled out, a brow raised, watching skeptically.

Richard growled as he glared angrily at the short one, reaching a hand in his pocket, putting some coins on the counter with a scowl.

Doc took the bottle away from the short one with a glare. "Jesus Kid, where did ya find this? Ya ain't supposed to be touching stuff."

"Back there." The short one grinned. "Hell I didn't know it was gonna do that...." He giggled.

Soda and Steve watched him closely, still wondering if it was really Two-Bit all dressed up like a cowboy. But this person, Two-Bit or not, was blonde and he had sideburns all the way down to his chin. Two-Bit's weren't that long.

Doc grabbed the smiling one by the arm. "Come on now, let's take it back where ya found it." He huffed, dragging him to the back.

"I'm sorry about my gang," Richard started, making Steve and Soda look at him. "We're jus' a little......lost.....and tired. We don't really know where we are and we're lookin' for a place to stay and a hot meal."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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A Whirlwind's A Comin' - A Young Guns/Outsiders Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now