He walked out of the cage, and calmly sauntered over to Willow.

"And, who might you be, fair maiden?" He said, in his sarcastic tone, but meant no sarcasm at all.

"Very poetic, kind fellow. But, I am Willow. Formally known by Blinkous Galadrigal as Willow The Wise. I have studied troll lore for quite some time."

"Well, you look like an ordinary fleshbag."

"I am not. A fleshbag! Why does everyone call me that?!"

"Ah. Now I remember you. Short tempered, speaks very scholarly, and is very good looking. I remember Blinkous speaking about some, 'Willow The Wise, human filled with Troll knowledge.'"

"I give many thanks for the- wait. Good looking?"

Dictatious chuckled, and embraced her confusion with a smile.

"Are you flirting with me, Dictatious Galadrigal?"

"What?! Not a chance... Unless, of course, you enjoy taking your chances."

"You were indeed! And, yes," She approached him, and drew his face close, leaving only inches of space,"I do."

She walked away, and found herself fond of him, and hoped to see him soon.


"Dictatious! Where did you move my book to?!"

"It's on your desk!"(oh! Another change, Dictatious is not blind!)

"I'm at my desk, and I cannot see it!"

Willow and Dictatious were at Trollmarket, in Dictatious' home. Willow usually hung out there, since Toby was taking up lots of room, with AARRGGH still at his house. And, usually, Dictatious took her books. The ones that she hasn't finished writing in, of course.

"Are you sure it's not at your desk!"

"I've searched it five times! Where did you put it?!"

"I don't have it!"

Willow stormed into the room where Dictatious was, and gave him a very angry look.

"Oh, look. I have it right here. How did this measly thing get right by where I am standing?"

"Really, Dictatious! REALLY?!"

She snatched the book from the ground beside him,and stormed back towards her desk. Dictatious followed her.

"What have I said about taking my unfinished books?"

"But, you had written so much more! And, trust me, it's very tempting! You can't leave it around, Willow. Otherwise, I will take it!"

"Ugh! You need to stop taking my stuff!"

"I'm so, very sorry, Willow. I truly am. But, I'm not the one to blame!"

There was a long silence. No one dared to speak. Willow put the book down, and turned to face Dictatious. She tried to speak, but the words could not be formed. Finally, she did find her words,

"I apologize for that, Dictatious. I was the one in the wrong. You were just curious, and I was getting furious over nothing."

He began to approach her, and he put his stoney hands on her waist, holding her at a distance.

"No, Willow, I should be the one that's sorry. I stole your book without consulting with you, first. I was the one at fault, not you."

He hung his head in shame, but Willow didn't want to make him feel bad. She placed a hand on his cheek, and smoothed her thumb across the rough edges of his face, which made him look up.

"It is quite alright, Dictatious. I never meant to make you feel like this. We were both at fault. Not just that, but I really enjoy your presence..."

"Are you sure? I mean, I could let go! We've never done this, and I don't mean to make you feel uncomfo-"


She placed her finger on his lips, indicating that she wanted him to be quiet. Then, she moved her finger, and gently placed her lips on his. Her eyes were closed, and her hands were around his neck. Dictatious was shocked at first, but then moved his two other hands to her waist, then he shut his eyes.

The kiss didn't last for long, and it had little meaning. But, both of them truly enjoyed it. When they parted, Dictatious briefly kept two of his hands on her waist. Willow smiled, and Dictatious would've had a prominent blush, had trolls been able to.

"That was..."

"How to shut you up?"

"No... No. I very much enjoyed that, Willow."

He let go of her, and held something in one of his hands. Willow turned back to the desk, as Dictatious was leaving the room. But, her book was missing.


So, how do you guys like Willow? By the way, I do ship my OC with Dictatious. 'Cause, why not? I really hope you guys like her. This was really fun to make, and I will try to include what books are attached to what. Plus, Toby was the one that taught her to be that smooth. So, yeah!

Oatmeal out!

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