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So, I have one more shot after this to get all the angst out of me. When it comes to me, hopefully it'll be the last one. Bear with me, guys!

Jim was sitting in the waiting room of a hospital, waiting to hear news on Claire. She was terribly ill, after she stopped cutting herself. Problem being, it was an overdose. And, it really damaged her. The effects had put her in a coma for a few days, and when she woke up, doctors realized she didn't have long left. Only problem being, was that she had to stay in the hospital, until her time was up.

A nurse came out, and Jim stood up, hoping that she would take him to Claire. It wasn't the one. A few more came by, and Jim bound up out of his seat, when each of them came in. The Nuñez family came into the waiting room, and Mrs.Nuñez headed straight for Jim. She grabbed hold of him, beginning to shake him, as he tried to stand up and back away.

"I thought you said you'd help her. I thought you said you could fix her. But, you didn't, boy, you didn't! She got worse, and you're to blame! You are the only one to blame! You uncultured, blue eyed, bastard. You don't have a heart! None! Oh, I hope hell comes down on your petty-"

"Dear, you're scaring the boy."

"Well, he should be! He will face my wrath!"

"Dear, the public. Think of how Claire would feel."

She finally released her grasp, "I don't know why my daughter ever liked you. You nasty son of a-"


A nurse walked in,"Jim Lake? Is there a Jim Lake, here?"

"That's me," Jim ran to the nurse, "is she ok?"

"Well...not quite. She has a few minutes left. She wants to spend them with you."

"Take me to her, quickly!" Jim said, in a panicked and rushed tone.

Jim raced down the halls to Claire's hospital room. He swung open the door, with a 'crack'. The loud noise made Claire jump. She was laying in the bed, with monitors by her side. Tears welled, in Jim's bright blue eyes. He grasped her hand.

"Claire, can you see me?"

"I can see fine, you buttsnack. I'll be ok."

"Claire. Don't lie."

"I'll be fine. I'll return home, and I'll see Enrique, and I'll be back at school in a few days, and..."

As Claire rambled on, she realized Jim was crying. He had his phone in his hands, and she could see pictures. She stopped talking, and looked at the memories, with a hazy vision.

"Look, Claire. It's us. And there's us, after the battle with Angor Rot, and there's the school play, and there's Trollmarket."

Jim continued to look at photos, and Claire's breaths were becoming weaker. She let out a loud sigh, and said:

"Goodnight, Trollhunter."

Jim stopped, just when Claire closed her eyes. Then, he heard a loud beeping noise. He looked at a monitor, and when he saw it, tears started streaming down his face: she flatlined.

"No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, No, No, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! NO, CLAIRE! NO, DON'T LEAVE ME! No, please, no. Not right now. Please, no. No, no, no, no, no."

He continued to cry, as doctors pulled him away from Claire, and rushing in to take her away. A nurse brought him to the waiting room, as Toby and Mrs.Lake were trying to contain a very angry Mrs.Nuñez.


The group dragged her away, as Jim sat in one of the waiting room chairs. Mr.Nuñez came and sat beside him.

"Jim, right?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Jim. We know this isn't your fault. My wife just bit out of hand. We know you loved her, and meant no harm. Claire loved you, so much. But, when you were gone, she couldn't take it. You meant the world to her. Just, stay strong for her, ok?"


Jim sat there, but then started to cry again. Mr.Nuñez wrapped him a fierce hug.

"It's ok, son. It'll be ok."

This one was short. Really short. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the angst!

Oatmeal out!

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