A/N Screeeeeeeeech!

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Ok. This is for my sake. 

I've barely started, and I think you guys should know a few things about myself. 

Plus, I'm in a really bad writers block, but that's just because I want to do Part 2s and sequels, but it's too early for that.

Anyways! Here we go!

1. I'm Danika. You guys can call me Dani, Danish, Oatmeal or Danika.

2. I'm just going into high school this year. Fair youngling, I am.

3. Trollhunters is not my only fandom! I have Miraculous, Nightmare Before Christmas, STVFOE, Endless Summer(Choices: Stories You Play), and HTTYD.

4. Honestly, I'm not sure about myself. I have... Issues. I am not mentally stable, in my mind. I can go pretty psychotic at school. It started as being a normal crazy, then came a guy, and he blew me to hell. I had been awful. I could go happy to utterly depressing in five seconds, because of a guy. No drugs, no actual diagnosis on anything. But, right now, I pretend to have Jim as my boyfriend. Talk about going insane.

5. I'm Canadian! I'm from crazy Ontario. Yay me!🇨🇦

6. I figure skate, and I was 5th in Ontario for my event.

7. I'm very emotional. And, I mean, very emotinal.

8. Trollhunters changed me. I mean, it's not every day that, I, Danika I. Oakley, forgets completely about her crush, that utterly destroyed her. Yeah... Trollhunters is a big part of me now.

9. I'm a big theatre geek. At least, I'm starting to. Y'all just need to Wait For It.

10. I like music that is usually forgotten. For instance, most people like Shawn Mendes, while I like Eric Arges. They like 5 Seconds Of Summer, I like Owl City. They may not be forgotten, but you get my point.

11. All my remaining friends are either at a different school, a nearby city, or online. I literally have no one going to my school that I like!

12. I have a hobby: lip synching. It's fun. It's really mouthing words, instead of vocalizing them, and you add hand actions to symbolize different things.

13. I only found Trollhunters a month ago.

14. Anton Yelchin will be the only voice actor for Jim that I respect.

15. I absolutely love writing! That's why I started this beautiful thing. Also, to see how people other than my old classmates will react.

Ok. That's enough about me. Tell me bits about yourself, my lovelies! Also, give me requests! I can't do this alone!

Oatmeal Out!

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