Chapter 2: Cabins

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"Carry me?"

I look down at Piper as she stretches her small arms out to me.

We just finished eating and we were heading back to our cabin. Alena and Bronte in front of us, Alena was carrying Bronte since she fell asleep.

I honestly didn't want to carry Piper, I was tired myself.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." I tell her and she frowns before looking down to her shoes, clutching her monkey to her chest as her face filled with disappointment.

Alena glares at me from in front of me and I shrug my shoulders, giving her a blank look. She scowls at me before turning around, walking off to our cabin.

What's her problem?

We walk back to the cabin and got ready for bed. I climb up the ladder to my bed and laid down, crawling under the blankets. I sigh, hearing the younger girls falling asleep in their beds.

"Psst, Demi." Alena whispers and I lift my head, looking down at her. A nightlight was turn on in the corner so I could see Alena's icy glare from the bunk bed across from me.

"What?" I snap quite grouchy and she raises an eyebrow at me. She holds her hand up and gives me the bird.

"Your a bitch." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Been there, done that, get over it, get use to it hun cause I'm not changing." I tell her and laid back down, turning my back to her.

"I damn well hope Piper change you and your bitchiness. Bet your queen of the bitches, can't believe I'm gonna spend a whole summer with you. Who knew the singer is a god damn bitch when all she does is fake everything she says and do." Alena says, more like talking to herself and I heard her turn around.

I frown, rolling my eyes. She doesn't need to know why I'm a bitch, no one needs to know what happen months ago.

No one.



I groan, turning around and stuffing my face in my pillow.


I wave them off. "Five more minutes mom," I murmur into my pillow. It goes quiet and I let a small smile play on my lips as I try to fall back asleep.

Suddenly, I was attacked by pillows.

I gasp, sitting up as the person repeatedly attack me with pillows. I grab my own pillow and started to hit them back. "What the hell?!" I screech, stopping when I saw who it was.

It was Piper.

She stops, frowning as she sits down on her legs. Her pillow falls onto her lap as she looks at me. "You didn't want to wake up, so I hit you with a pillow." She says, looking at me with sorrow eyes.

"Just leave me alone, I want to sleep." I say, turning around and laying back down.

"But today they say that we are gonna rock climb and I wanna do that too!" She says and I groan.

"Well you can do that with Alena or Connor, they'll be happy to see you climbing." I say, pulling the covers up to my chin.

"And your not?" I heard her whisper then leaves the cabin.

I sigh, sitting up and watching Piper hop down the steps then walk away.

Jesus, this kid really wants me to go with her.

I groan before climbing down the ladder. I got ready for the day and went to the mess hall. Eating a quick breakfast then walk off to the rock climbing thing.

I stop in front of the plastic rock thing, watching kids climb and their adults.

I stood at the side, hands in my pockets as I watch Piper struggle to climb.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I heard Connor say, he walks up to me with some type of climbing gear around his waist.

"Standing, breathing, watching, and checking out a hot guy, you?" I say and smirk at him, he rolls his eyes.

"Look, Piper shouldn't be doing that by herself. You should be too, you have to do everything they would want to do." He tells me and I gave him a look.

"Come on man, I don't wanna do that." I say, pointing at the rock climbing thing.

"Well your gonna have to, come on." He says before grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him.

I whined all the way there, he makes me put it on and makes me start to climb.

I curse at him under my breath as I started to climb. I soon caught up with Piper and she beams at me happily.

"Yay, you came!" She says and smiles. She leans against the rock wall and grins.

"Well I didn't want to, why do you want to do this anyway?" I ask her, not really caring.

She frowns before pointing above us. "That, I wanna get that." She says, pointing at the stuff penguin on top of the rock climbing thing.

I scoff. "That's what you want?! You can get it at the store when you get back! You don't need some stupid penguin!" I say and she frowns. She looks away from me and starts to climb down.

I watch her as she gets back down on the ground and walks away.

I rolled my eyes and climb back down. I took off the climbing gear and walk away but not before Connor telling me that I'm a bitch.

I knew that man, you didn't have to tell me twice.

So instead I spent the whole day just hanging with myself, not really wanting to go and find Piper but in the end I found her sitting on her bed.

"So, how was your day?" I ask her, climbing up to my bed and laying down, I put my arms behind my head and close my eyes.

She doesn't respond so I shrug to myself, thinking that she fell asleep.

"Can we go painting tomorrow?" She asks me very quietly as I was almost about to fall asleep.

So, to get her off my back, I murmur a agreement. "Sure, whatever kid."

"Thank you Demi,"

"Sure, whatever kid."

Before I let sleep take over me.

It's Demi's birthday, decided to update to make it special :')

Happy birthday to her :D

Later! :)

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