Chapter 1: I Missed You

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(starting off in year 3, btw im only a 2nd year right now so i have no idea what happens in 3rd year, so just try not to tell me anything cause all i know is im making this up, btw reader and rowan are both females)


I ran at the brick wall ahead of me, 'hogwarts express here i come' i thought to myself. Finally going back for another year of trouble, cursed vaults, and looking for my brother. 
As I passed through the wall i almost ran over a fellow witch, one i quickly recognized. "Merlin's beard im so sorry Rowan!!!" I exclaimed running over to her and helped her up after previously knocking her over. "Its ok (Y/N) im just happy its you and not someone like Merula." I smiled at her small comment and continued to walk and talk with her.
Soon enough we were on the train sitting in a previously empty compartment. "Im so excited to get back to hogwarts, i missed everything so much!!" I said while leaning back in the seat. Rowan nodded in agreement as we sat in comfortable silence. 

A few moments later the compartment burst open and we were greeted by Ben's nervous face. I have yet to admit this out loud but i have a HUGE crush on ben, heck i'd probably even say i fancy him. "Oh hey Rowan, (Y-Y/N)" He said slightly bowing his head while starting to turn around. 
I look at Rowan quickly and she nodded. I reached out and grabbed Ben's hand, his skin was so soft and gentle. "Come sit with us Ben, we are friends after all" I smiled at him and lightly pulled him back. He complied and sat next to me. From then on we sat in silence again but this time it was quite awkward. I looked over at Ben and we locked eyes, his face gradually turned red and then he looked away. 'Why is he so cute' I thought, still looking at him.
Our compartment door was gently slid open and we saw the trolly lady, I always liked her, she was super nice. "Would you like anything from the cart?"  She said peering in. Rowan and Ben shook their heads while i said "give us the lot please." She nodded handing me everything, i set it down and handed her a few galleons. After she closed the door i decided to break the silence. I pulled Ben into a hug and whispered in his ear "I missed you." He blushed madly while gently putting his hands on my waist. "I-i missed you too (Y/N)." I smiled and pulled back.
After that we started talking about our summer breaks. "Well i did read some new books." Rowan said while chewing on a chocolate frog. "I went to an amusement park, it was terrifying." Ben said fiddling nervously with a chocolate frog card. "I learnt how to get rid of garden gnomes" I said sharing my story. 'But most of the time i dreamt about Ben' I whispered to myself. 
Rowan smirked at me and Ben looked confused. Of course Rowan had to overhear me. I leaned on Ben's shoulder deciding to take a nap, by the time im awake we should be at hogwarts right? I sure hope so.


was it good? i hope so, next chapter will be out soon, sometime this week hopefully, bye guys!!!!

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