S-Car Wash

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Instead of revisiting the plot of the first book... again... I'm gonna go with Isle of the Lost shenanigans.

Enjoy. Comment, if you like. Feedback and reactions are always appreciated.

The plan failed. The journey to the Isle of the Doomed to get Maleficent's scepter was a waste of time. That means it's back to the usual business. For Carlos, that means washing his mom's car.

With only a bucket of not-so-clean water and a very old sponge, Carlos groaned as he scrubbed... and scrubbed... and scrubbed.

"Someone's grumpy today."

That sweet voice can only come from one person. Evie.

"Hey, at least your mom doesn't have her own personal vehicle," said Carlos.

"No, but I wish she did. Beats walking, even if it is a small island," said Evie.

"Hey, walking's good for you. Helps burn calories, keeps you fit," said Carlos.

"I like to think I'm just naturally perfect," said Evie.

"Good thing we don't have sugar in this place. That stuff'll make you fat," said Carlos.

Carlos continued scrubbing. He really hated this part, but he had to do it because, well, his mother ordered him to.

"Hey, you got a pretty nasty scar there on your arm," Evie noticed.

Carlos looks at this arm and remembers the little scar on his upper arm. He really didn't like looking at it. He would've kept his jacket on, but he hated getting it wet.

"It's nothing. I get those every other day," said Carlos. "Scars are manly, right?"

"You got a nasty one on your ankle," Evie noticed.

"You weren't the first person Mal pushed into my mother's closet," said Carlos.

"Oh, my goblins. I had no idea," Evie said, almost feeling bad for Carlos. "Did she give you that arm scar, too?"

"That's not even the worst of it," said Carlos.

Carlos went to refill the bucket. Evie, meanwhile, was starting to get curious. There was this feeling inside her just thinking about his scars. Sympathy, maybe? No, that can't be it. Is it?

"May I see?" Evie asked.

"What?" Carlos asked, surprised.

"I just want to see," said Evie.

"Well, we VKs do love our scars, don't we?" Carlos said sarcastically.

Carlos pulls the back of his shirt up. Evie pulls it up more to fully see. Six scars on his back. Evie gasped, as if she was horrified. Odd. Usually, VKs think scars are cool. But these back scars made Evie feel... something.

"I knew Mal was cruel, but not this cruel," said Evie.

"Those aren't from Mal," said Carlos. "They're from my mother."

Evie gasped again. The gasp was louder and conveyed more shock than the last one.

"Ever since I was a kid, she used to beat me whenever I rebel," said Carlos. "She's spank me, smack me across the face, but she would also use that darn whip... you see the result."

"How can I mother treat her son like this?" Evie wondered.

"Are you kidding? Our parents are villains. Of course they're not gonna treat us fairly," said Carlos. "Does your mother treat you fairly?"

"Well, not completely. She does make sure I stay beautiful, at least," said Evie.

"Then you're lucky," said Carlos. "Sometimes, I feel like my mom doesn't even see me as her son. Just a slave to order around."

Carlos continued to wash his mother's car. Any VK would find amusement in watching another VK humiliate themselves with menial labor, but Evie finds no amusement in watching Carlos suffer washing the car. In fact, she felt pity. But she wouldn't admit that.

"Do you need some help?" asked Evie. "I can assist you in washing your mom's car."

"Why would you help me?" Carlos questioned.

"If only I can ask for a favor in return," said Evie. "One day, at least."

"So, it's not because you pity me?" asked Carlos.

"Pfft! As if," Evie replied.

"Why would a princess such as you ever submit herself to such a humiliating task?" Carlos asked.

"I have my reasons," Evie said.

"Then grab a sponge and dip it in the bucket," said Carlos.

Evie grabs another old sponge and dips it in the bucket. Suddenly, she had an idea. She grabbed the entire bucket and splashed the water all over the car, splashing water on Carlos in the process.

"Hey! Not cool!" Carlos shouted.

"I was just trying to help," said Evie.

"Well, thanks a lot," Carlos said sarcastically as he tried to wipe the water off him.

Evie refilled the bucket and gave it to Carlos.

"There you go, sour-pup," Evie insulted.

Seeing the bucket in his hands, Carlos had an idea. He splashed the water all over Evie.

What comes next is a splash fight. Splashing each other with water from their own bodies and even refilling buckets. Laughing was included in the fight. They seemed to be... enjoying themselves.

That "favor" that Carlos owed Evie never came. She either forgot about it... or she deliberately forgot about it because she really just wanted to help him.

Scars and cars. Just another day on the Isle of the Lost. But Evie and Carlos look like they're having fun.

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