Where It All Began

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Daehwi Pov

I don't know what really happen, I've moved in with Jinyoung because we both promised each other one thing. I haven't broken my promise yet, sadly Jinyoung had already. Though I felt embarrassed for our current situation, I didn't bother since Woojin hyung who is in Busan right now and Kuan Lin who watches over me a lot.

Pick me pick me pick me up

I woken up from my sleep, I looked at my phone to see the caller ID.

WooJinnie is calling...

Accept | Decline

"Hello?" I said with the sleepy voice trying to hide that I've cried before.

"Daehwi-yah, have you been crying?"

"No hyung, they're just tears of joy." I lied, I don't want him to know how I'm really am feeling.

"You sure? I'm about to make sure, open the front door."

"Huh? You're here?" I said as my mouth dropped, I ended the call then rushed downstairs forgetting about my puffy eyes and cheeks.

I opened the door and saw Woojin hyung who is putting his phone away.

"Daehwi, you've been crying.." he said sadly as he wiped his thumbs along my eyes and caressing my cheeks.

"Sorry hyung-" I stopped as soon as I saw Jihoon hyung at the sidewalk.

Woojin caught me staring and turned to see Jihoon, his old crime partner.

Woojin Pov

So Jihoon was the reason for Daehwi's situation? I sighed knowing Jihoon isn't usually like that. I turned back to Daehwi and moved him inside and going pass Jinyoung who was staring at me deadly. I didn't bother since I know Jinyoung is going out with Jihoon.

"Go? You have a date to catch up.." I told him coldly, he shook his head then left us.

Once the door shut, I loosen the grip from Daehwi's shoulders and looked at him sadly. I can always tell when he's in a big problem. He is a strong guy, but when it's over love, he's weak. I hate to see him be like this, I pulled him into a big hug and apologized for not being there. I've been wanting to ask him for the real reason why all of this happened. I pulled away from the hug and held onto both of his shoulders.

"Are you comfortable with telling me the full reason now?" I asked and he slowly nodded.

Daehwi Pov

I didn't know Woojin hyung is still out there to find out what really happened. I went through the memory lane, it was hard to surpass all those painful memories. Before I can begin, I can tell that Woojin hyung is desperate for the answer. I took a deep breath and begin the story.


It was like other normal days but today was special. I came out of my room to see Youngmin and Donghyun hyung still preparing food since Woojin was already out back in Busan. It's been a week since Woojin left, we still stayed in contact with him day and night.

"Daehwi-yah, when is your Jinyoungie is coming?" Youngmin asked when he spotted me standing at the door frame of my room.

"I'm sure he's coming around 2pm." I responded then looked at the clock.


"Well then, let's hang out before you move out okay?" Donghyun said with a sad voice.

"Awh, hyungs, I'm not dying, I'm just not gonna be here to accompany you for awhile." I said trying to cheer their mood.

"It's gonna be dull you know that." Youngmin's turn to say.

"Haha, c'mon! Let's play!" I said before the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I told them as they went and get settle in the living room.

I went towards the front door and opened it to be shock in seeing Jinyoungie. I looked back at the clock and it was only 11:15am. I frowned and looked back at Jinyoung.

"You're early hyung."

"I know, I can't wait for you to move in." He said placing a peck on my forehead.

I remembered packing most of my clothes but I wasn't finished because I was hoping to make the leftover time with my hyungs. I brung Jinyoung inside, I went to the living room with Jinyoung following behind.

"Oh hello Jinyoung, came so soon." Donghyun said greeting him in.

The three exchanges waves before Jinyoung and I settle in.

End of Flashback

"So? Where's the reason? You only told me what is gonna happen." Woojin questioned, I suddenly blanked out of my mind for a moment.

"Oh, right. Whenever I moved in, Jinyoung been distancing himself from me ever since he met Jihoon, his sunbae." I answered quickly.

Jinyoung Pov

All of a sudden, whenever I left the house, I didn't want to leave Daehwi alone with Woojin hyung. Who knows what must be happening back at home. Jihoon seemed to noticed my mood and frowned at me. I looked back at him with a questioning look.

"Are you thinking about him?"

"N-No.." I lied, though the stutters gave it away.

"Liar, you already know why I'm doing this right?"

"To take me-" I didn't continue to answer since it was painful.

I know Jihoon broke up with Kuan Lin just to date me. I wondered how Kuan Lin is feeling now a days, I watched him and Daehwi talk from afar that day. It looked like he is fine without Jihoon, but if you personally know him, you can tell he's struggling too.

"C'mon, if you want to go home then I'll escort you home. I got an appointment with Mr. Lai Kuan Lin." He winked, I looked at him with cold eyes and he just showed me a smile.


"Jinyoungie!" I turned and see Daehwi with a big smile.

I feel terrible for doing this, but I want to get away. I lost interest into the boy, I don't know how he will feel but I think I'm making the right choice.

"Daehwi-yah, listen to me." I held him on the shoulders that caused him to stop jumping around. "I don't love you no more, please move on from me-"

"No hyung, I'm still involved with you, I don't care if I have your love or not. I'll still be there for you." He said.

"You sure you're gonna do this?" I asked and he quickly nodded. I let go of his shoulders then walked away.

I heard soft sniffles from the boy, I kept telling myself to not turn around or all this will collapse right on me.

End of Flashback

Unconsciously Jinyoung walked back home alone letting Jihoon go to his own business. What he sees is something he really regretted.

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