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Mikasa Pov

"Oh this is gonna be fun" Ymir said smirking. "No!" Annie said"Is kissing each other the only kind of fun we can think of at the moment?" She added. Kissing each other? Is that what spin he bottle is? Riener licked his lips and walked up to me and Annie. "Well there's other things we can do but I'm sure this pretty princess is a virgin" he said looking me up and down giving my body a creepy stare. I uncomfortably crossed my arms across my chest and blushed looking back at him. Does he want to have sex with me? Annie slapped him hard and he stumbled back a little. "you're disgusting Reiner keep it in your pants!" Woah...Annie Leonhart stood up for me how sweet... yeah I'm not having that. I stepped in front of Annie and closer to Reiner he looked at me and I brought my hand up and then down on his felt kinda nice to slap him. I wanted to smiled so bad but I decided to try and look bad.  "Geez you two hit so fucking hard" he said as the others laughed. I looked at Annie and her expression didn't change much until Armin came up to her and kissed her cheek. "You didn't have to hit him that hard babe." He said smiling she smiled too their smiles were contagious and soon all of us were smiling I glanced at Eren he didn't look too happy I wonder why.  "Well if we aren't going to be sucking face then let's play a board game."  Bertold said

I smiled bigger and ran to a small closet it was full of games. "Wow Mika!" Eren said smiling finally!  "Which one should we play first?" Jean asked. We looked through all of the games for a minute "How about Monopoly?" I agreed. Uncle Levi and Aunt Petra and I don't really play this game that much...I wonder why I shrugged off the thought and let them to the big dinning room table. We all sat around the table I sat in between Connie and Eren.

We started setting up the game. Connie sighed. "There's not enough pieces for everyone to play!". I looked at them and he was right there was only eight pieces so four of us couldn't play. "That's alright I don't wanna play!" Annie said and slouched back in her seat Armin joined her. Sasha shrugged."I could watch and make sure no one cheats" Marco nodded and I'll be the bank so come to me when you're dealing with money stuff" so four people weren't playing. Everything is good. I picked up one of the pieces it was a cat  I looked at it for a moment and then I heard little 'ruffs' next to me. I looked up and saw Eren with a small silver dog he was making adorable barking noises. I laughed and moved my cat close to the dog making little 'meow' noises. We did this for a bit before Reiner cleared his throat.

"If you're done being weird we'd like to play now." He said arms folded. I put my cat on the start and watched as the dice started being passed around and people started moving their silver items.I smiled and admired my colorful money.

The game was going smoothly until we started to buy properties. It got even worse when Mina bought both the water and electric company then was accused of cheating and not knowing how to play the game correctly it even got to the point where they made Sasha scroll through the rule book and then when she read that it was possible to own both the group got even more mad making Mina mad as well. Is this bad? Do they hate each other ? Did this stupid sleepover just ruin their friendship???  "HAHA BITCHES!" Historia yelled we looked at her and saw that the had bought board walk and put a hotel on it."ALRIGHT THAT'S IT HISTORIA OUR WEDDING IS OFF YOU CAM FORGET IT!" Ymir screamed "I DON'T CARE I'M RICH FUCKING RICH I DON'T NEED YOUR WEDDING!!" Soon everyone was yelling at each other for no reason. Even Armin and Annie were yelling and they weren't even playing the game. I sighed and started to put away the pieces of the game. No one noticed me so I just kept going when I was done I out the game back and went to turn off the lights. When I did all of the yelling and screaming and secret spilling stopped.

I turned the lights back on and they all looked at me."guy's we're here to have fun not yell at each other! Please please it's my first sleepover I don't want to remember it by 'oh yeah the one where a board game tore us all apart'!" I say pouting. They all calm down. "She's right sorry Mika," Eren says I smile at him. "Let's just watch movies the rest of the night okay?" He takes my hand. I nod and follow him to the living room we sit next to each other on the couch and find a movie not a scary one but a funny one. It was called Waterboys it was about a these teenage boys who learn synchronized swimming. I moved my head into Eren's side and watched the movie. I glanced over at him a few times and everytime I did I saw him texting someone I wondered who so I waited for the next message. When he got it his phone vibrated and the screen turned on. I looked at it.


I love you too baby I miss you!

It was his girlfriend. This boy has a wonderful girlfriend and here I am acting like he's mine. I take a deep breath and with all of my strength I stand up away from Eren. I walk to the door. "I'll be back I think I need some air!" I said trying to sound cheerful. I don't think the others really cared though most of them just nodded and kept watching the movie.

I grabbed my jacket and rushed out I started to walk down the sidewalk. I tried to hold in my tears and be happy for him but I just couldn't. And before I knew it I was sobbing hard like if it were my birthday and everyone was treating me normal like it's not my birthday.  But this was more than just a silly birthday this was painful it hurt bad and I don't know how to make it stop. "Mikasa hey Mika slow down!" I heard someone yelling from behind me. I turned around but not before wiping my tears first. "E-Eren why are you out here?" I asked confused he pointed to my feet."You ran out with no shoes on. And look," he pointed to my arms"you aren't wearing a jacket either! You must be freezing!" He said and gave me a pair of my shoes he probably found by the door.

To be honest I wasn't even cold until he mentioned it. I thankrd him and put them on. " Are you okay? You look kinda sad and you're ditching your awesome sleepover!" He said as I continued to walk.  "I'm fine just.... overwhelmed...this night has been amazing I thought I should just get away for a bit and besides I needed some exercise" I lied. He made an oh shape with his mouth but didn't say anything. "Do you wanna go somewhere real quick?" He asked me. Eh why not it's not like I've got anything to loose if he is a murderer at least I'll get to tell the other dead people about how I was killed by the most attractive man in the universe. "Sure where?" I asked her grabbed my hand and walked me to a lake. It looked beautiful at this time of night. The water making the moon look wavy and kinda blue. He sat down and looked around I did the same. "I come here when I've got a lot on my mind." He said not looking at me. "It really helps to just think it all through. " He continued. I just stared ahead trying to think of a response. "I know you're upset about something Mikasa and you don't have to tell me but just think about it." He said moving closer. I smiled and looked at him our faces were dangerously close again. Before anything could happen I stood up. " We should get back the others might be worried." He nodded and stood up with me. "Hey I can carry you!" He said happily showing off his nice muscles. I shook my head. "I was kinda given legs for a reason." I said turning around and started to walk back to my house. We're the others worried? Nope they were asleep except for Sasha and Connie who were kissing. I was too tired to tell them to stop so I just sat down on the couch and closed my eyes. Unaware that Eren's beautiful emerald eyes were starting at me.

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