18. The VIth Element Series (Book 1 and 2)

Start from the beginning

Q. Are you motivational?

A. Very. When I am working on a project, most of the time, I stick to it. I love creating new worlds, characters, and adventures, ready to share with my readers. It's the best part of being an author. I have been very fortunate already in connecting with a number of readers, both on and off Wattpad, who seem to enjoy reading my books. For an author, being able to communicate and share thoughts with readers makes all those frustrating moments, when you are struggling to find the right word, turn of phrase or character voice, totally worth it.

Q. Can you recall how your interest in writing originated?

A. Really, I would say that my interest in writing originated from the fact that, ever since I was a baby, I have been immersed in stories. I was read to on a daily basis and when I could read for myself, I would often be found re-telling popular fairy tales, using different voices for the characters. My family has even kept evidence of this via cassettes (this shows my age) so I have proof! From then onwards, a passion for writing my own stories developed. Growing up, I spent every spare moment jotting down ideas for books. My favourite piece of homework would be those that involved my writing some kind of novel. My later Primary school and English teachers played a huge part in encouraging this process, which fuelled my drive and my confidence. The rest, really, his history.

Q. Who is your favourite character, besides Alex, in the story and why?

A. So, this question is really hard. I spend a lot of time immersing myself in my characters, as I'm sure a lot of other authors do. I suppose though, although Mortimer appeals to my darker nature, Hecate would probably steal the show. She is such an elusive, mysterious and passionate character, who also holds a significant part of my heart. At the end of the day, if you have started reading The VIth Element Series, you would know that her past is shrouded in some dark and tragic secret. As a result of this, she is shunned. She is also feared because of the nature of her powers, which allow her to communicate with the dead. This makes her different and, because of that, people see her as a threat. And yet, over the years and with the support for certain individuals (I'm not saying any names) Hecate has grown to find the confidence to ignore those kinds of people and stand up for what she believes in, just like me. Sometimes, you just need to find those few people who will stand by you, no matter what!

Q. How did you come up with different types of powers?

A. Watching a zillion superhero movies over the years has helped in this respect. Go, Marvel! I also relied on research, as Google is definitely an author's best friend. 

Q. Give us an interesting fun fact about your story.

A. My fun fact would have to be linked to the history behind the academy. If you have read Awakening, you might have picked up on the revelation that famous literary geniuses, who have inspired me as an author, have all attended the academy at some point during their lives. One such genius is the playwright Shakespeare. You'll have to read Awakening to find out the others!

Q. As mentioned in the review, what is your opinion on the cliff-hangers that you leave in the story?

A. Oh, I do love a good cliff-hanger. When I'm writing one, I can feel my own heart begin to pace and I get sweaty palms. What I then enjoy is seeing the effect such cliff-hangers have on my readers. If it's great and leaves them wanting more, then you know you've hit the nail on the head! 

Q. The powers, the academy with professors, one re-awakened antagonist, and the powerful headmaster- These typical important characters are already done and heavily reminds us of the characters in children's favourite book of all time. Have you ever received the criticism that the characters are not entirely new? If so, how do you cope?

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