Will our lives ever be normal?

Start from the beginning

My whole body begins to shake at the thought and I try to block the whole world out. I feel a hand on my shoulder and my head shoots up, which is a side effect of being in the games, you flinch at every touch.

Haymitch sits down next to me, and we sit in silence, neither of us knowing what to say to each other. About half an hour later Haymitch speaks up, "I told everyone about what happened and not to come to dinner at yours."

"Oh, I totally forgot about that, thanks." I tell him, with a small smile.

"What was it by the way? The gender?" Haymitch asks.

"Two boys and a girl." I say, trying my best to keep the tears from falling, unsuccessfully as a single tear runs down my face.

His jaw drops and he looks at me wide eyed. "Triplets?"

I nod slightly, still nod quite believing it myself. "I know."

Another hour goes by in complete silence. Doctors and nurses come and go, every time I get my hopes up praying it's news about Katniss, but they just walk straight past me, looking at me sympathetically.

"Mr Mellark?" I look up to see Dr Kronia.

"You go, come and tell me what's happening later." Haymitch tells me.

I nod and stand up and walk over to her, terrified of what she's going to say.

"Mrs Mellark is this way, follow me." He says, and I follow her towards an elevator.

"Your wife had a very lucky escape Mr Mellark. She is awake and well, and so are your children. All three." She tells me. I feel like the weight of the whole world had been lifted from my shoulders, and the amount of relief that drains my body is unbelievable. I have to tell myself over and over again that they are all okay, we are okay.

Dr Kronia leads me into Katniss' room, when I walk in she's asleep. "When she wakes up we have some questions to ask, so we will be back in half an hour." She tells me and walks away.

I walk over to Katniss' bed and sit down on the chair next to her. I take her hand in mine and brush away a loose wave of hair that had fallen onto her forehead. She looks exhausted, dark circles under her eyes proves she hasn't been sleeping lately and she looks very pale.

She starts to move and her eyes flutter open, our eyes lock and she smiles weakly. "Hey." I say softly.

"Hey." She whispers, I only just make it out as it's barely audible. Her hand reaches out and she strokes my face, "Have you been crying?"

She must have noticed the tear stains that run down my face. "I'm fine Katniss." I tell her with a smile. She looks at me with raised eyebrows indicating she doesn't believe me so I decide to change the subject. "How are you? Are you okay?"

She nods her head slightly, "I'm fine." Her smile fades and a tear runs down her face. "I'm sorry." She whispers, as more tears fall from her eyes.

I wipe them away with my thumb and ask her, "Why are you sorry?"

"I wasn't careful, I thought I could do things by myself." She says, and the tears turn into rounds of sobs. "I nearly killed our children." She whispers, avoiding eye contact.

The fact that she is blaming herself for an accident that was more my fault than her own, makes me feel even more guilty. "Katniss, don't. It was more my fault than yours, I should have helped you and noticed when you were struggling. Don't you dare blame yourself for something you couldn't help." I tell her, and bring her into an embrace to try and stop her sobs.

She cries into my t-shirt, soaking it with her tears. Her sobs soon turn into hiccups and she releases her self from my arms and lays back down, still clutching my hand.

The door to Katniss' room opens and Dr Kronia and Nurse Thomson walk in. "How are you feeling Katniss?" Dr Kronia asks her.

"I'm feeling fine thank you." She replies.

"Good. We just need to ask you some questions about what happened, could you tell us what happened?" Dr Kronia asks, getting his pen ready to write notes down.

She nods, and begins to explain. "I was going to take a bath, and was getting up from the couch and there was a searing pain in my back. I tried walking up the stairs and I got to about the middle and the pain got so intense my legs just gave way and then it all went black."

"How long have you been experiencing back pain this bad Katniss?" Dr Kronia asks her.

"Well, I've had back pain for about 2 months now, but It only started getting that intense yesterday."

"Okay Katniss, we can't put you on medication because it may harm the babies. So, you can go home today, but you are going to have to be on bed rest for one week. After that, I'm not saying there wont be any back pain, but it wont be so intense like the pain you have been experiencing."

She nods and we both thank them, and they leave so Katniss can change. I help her out of the bed, and we walk into her bathroom that is attached to her room.

She sits down on the toilet seat and I get her clothes ready. "Is your back still as painful as earlier?" I ask her. She nods and I help her out of her hospital gown and into her normal clothes.

Dr Kronia gave Katniss a wheelchair to use, so she can get to Haymitch's car, so she sits in the chair and I wheel her out to reception. I sign Katniss out and then go into the waiting room to see Haymitch.

As soon as we walk in, Haymitch stands up and rushes over to us. "Thank heavens your okay!" He says, letting out a breath, which seems as if he's been holding forever.

"I'm fine, just back pain." Katniss tells him. "And the babies are fine. I'm assuming Peeta told you we are having triplets." She adds with a smile.

"Oh that's good, and yeah he told me." Haymitch says. "Come on, you probably just want to get home." He says, grabbing his car keys, and walking out of the hospital as we follow behind.

Finally going home. Will our lives ever be normal?


Thanks again for reading, commenting and voting. It means the world to me that people are enjoying this story, and I got to 10k reads!! Thank you all so much! Love you all and May the Odds be Ever in your Favour!

Megan x

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