Ryan's One Shot: Rouis

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This one's for Ryan. Ryan you are like perfect omg, your singing tonight was incredible. Gotta love him. I hope you like it(; Tweet me what you think.


One Direction is in town, playing two concerts, but Ryan had long since given up on his dream of meeting Louis. The streets for the past two days have been busy with tons of girls crowding the streets in hopes of finding their idols. Ryan is 22, attending college in the one and only New York City. He was there to make his dreams come true. He aspired as an actor/singer for Broadway.

Manhattan School of the Arts wanted him after a scout saw videos on youtube of him singing. They gave him a fair scholarship but it wasn’t nearly close to a full ride, so here he was, serving coffee at Starbucks. The look inside was modern, but soothing. It would be romantic if there wasn’t rain beating against the windows nonstop. The day had started out bright but soon pedestrians were taken by surprise and seeking cover.

It had been a long day for Ryan and he was glad when the customers started to filter out. His co-workers had gone home, leaving him the only person on the late shift. The shop was only open for another 30 minutes and he kept an eye on the clock.

The day had gone by so slow the customers had just blurred together. He sits behind the counter and taps his fingers, waiting for the clock to strike midnight, freeing him. He had twenty minutes to go when he hears the familiar bell on the door ding. 

He sighs, standing up and walking to the cash register. He doesn’t even look up as he says, “Welcome to Starbucks, what can I do for you?”

“Wow, long day huh?” He finally looks up at the familiar voice, the accent.

Where had he heard it before? Then he sees the blue eyes, the tousled brown hair. He’s even wearing stripes. “Oh my god. You’re Louis Tomlinson.”

“Yeah. Are you a fan?” The old fan-boy self starts to bubble up inside him and Ryan bites his lip.

“Yes.” The reply wasn’t completely true but hey, what can you do when Louis Tomlinson is only a counter space away?

“Well,” Louis leans over and squints at his name tag, “Ryan, could I please have an iced chai with soy?”

After Louis pays him Ryan makes the drink the fastest he ever has. “Here you go.” He holds out the drink, hand shaking.

The clock tolls and Ryan realizes it’s midnight. The shop should be closing right now, and usually he’d be forced to push all the remaining customers out the door but, it’s fucking Louis Tomlinson. One does not simply push Louis Tomlinson out the door. Instead he goes over and flips the sign to “Sorry We’re Closed” and starts to clean up. His face is blushing as he walks past Louis, wiping tables.

Louis face is sly as he says it, “Hey, Ryan?”

Ryan’s mind races. What could he want? Is Louis fucking Tomlinson actually talking to me? Is this real life? Rouis.


“I think it’s cute how shy you are.” Ryan’s heart just melts. His blush deepens. “Would you like to sit with me?”

What? Okay. Stop fucking with me. When am I going to wake up? But as Ryan walks over to the table where Louis is seated he slowly realizes that this is not a dream.

“So what’s up?” Louis is being casual, so Ryan tries not to fidget too badly.

“Um. The ceiling?” He feels stupid the second it comes out of his mouth but much to his surprise Louis giggles.

“So you’re a fan?” His smile is gorgeous.

“Yeah, well, I used to be like, your biggest fan.” The red creeps into his cheeks again.


“Yeah. I even used to have a ship name for us.” Ryan’s eyes flick up to Louis’ blue ones. “Oh my god. I didn’t mean to say – I’m so embarrassed.” He frowns at the floor.

“Ryan, it’s okay.”


“Yeah, I’m actually interested,” Louis slides his smaller hand into Ryan’s from across the table, “would you mind telling me the name?”

Ryan’s mouth is practically on the floor, but he collects himself enough to stutter “R-Rouis.”

Louis smiles and it’s like angels singing, “It’s cute.”

The two talk for what seems like forever. Sitting there at the table, in a coffee shop, Louis has not felt so at home since leaving Doncaster. Finally Louis looks up at the clock and realizes it’s almost half past two in the morning. “Well, I think I’m going to have to go, I’m surprised Paul hasn’t found me yet.”

Ryan sighs, “We should talk again sometime.”

“Yeah, forsure.” Louis gets up and Ryan walks him to the door. He holds out his hand for a shake good bye. Louis takes it and pulls the two close, “I won’t ever forget Rouis.” He whispers, lips brushing against Ryan’s ear.

He does the unthinkable. He presses his lips to the younger boy’s and walks out the café door.

Ryan is shellshocked. He watches as Louis disappears down the quiet Manhattan street. Only then does he look down at his still extended hand to see a little yellow piece of paper. He smiles to himself as he realizes there’s a phone number written neatly on it.  

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