Not a chance pirate

972 31 4

Daisy Johnson POV

”Strap in, we will be landing at the Tower in just a few minutes.” May said through the com system, something she didn’t really had to do since we all had ended up on the couches anyway. “Once we land I think it’s best if we just get the others on board and head out once more.” I told them all, not that anyone was complaining over that plan at the moment. I knew there was going to be at least one person that will be complaining about all of this. Feeling how we got down for landing I rose up from my seat and headed for the cargo hold, landing on the ground I could see how Tony, Pepper, Bruce and Clint were already walking onboard with their things.

“Where is Natasha and Steve?” I asked as I come to a stop. “Better question is, what is going on?” Tony asked, ignoring him I looked at Clint. “They are on some kind of mission that Fury sent them on.” Clint explained. “Shit!” Was the only thing I could say before I took a deep breath. “Alright, everyone up to the common room. Coulson, Fitz, Simmons and Trip are already there. I need to give May the co-ordinates for where we need to head next.” I told them all, turning around once more. “Stop! First I want to know what is going on!” Tony called out and I stopped.

“When we are all in a secure place and everyone is there, I will tell you everything. Until then, strap in and be ready for anything.” I told him and started to walk up the stairs once more. Stopping outside out of the cockpit, opening the door I could see that May had turned around in the seat and looked at me. “Where to now?” She asked, and I walked over to sit down in the co-pilot seat, handing her a paper with the coordinates. “This seems to be in the middle of nowhere.” May pointed out as she puts them in to the system.

“That is one of the points.” I told her, pulling on the headphones and May nodded her head. We were up in the air within a few minutes. “I talked to Coulson before all of this started.” I told her, making May look over at me. “Pepper made me do it.” I told her, and May rolled her eyes. “Let’s just get this part over with and we can look in to what the talk to Coulson have made after words.” She said I nod my head. “Sounds like a good plan.” I answered.


“Where are we?” Tony asked, and I could see how he was turning around while he was walking. “A safe place.” I answered as I walked towards the gigantic metal door. “Not a chance pirate.” I said, putting my hand beside the door and a few seconds later the door starts to open. “If you ever tell Fury my code I will make sure that every single black mail I have on you will end up on the internet.” I told the group behind me before I started to walk into the long tunnel, the lights turning on the deeper in I got. I heard how the others were following me and I entered the meeting room. “Alright, we are in the safe place. Now tell us what is going on.” Tony demanded, and I sat down at the table.

“It’s still a no Tony, I will not go over everything more than once. Besides, I will need both Maria and Fury here to be able to explain everything right.” I told him with a heavy sigh. “So, what, we wait?” Tony asked, and I nodded my head at that. “Just sit down and wait, with any luck Maria and Fury will be here soon so.” I then added, this made the rest of the team join me around the big table. A silence fell over them all as they waited, half way in Trip pulls out a deck and a round of poker started within seconds.

Looking at the two teams playing I could not help but to smile just a little at it all, leaning back in my seat I pulled out my phone to check on the time. That’s when the security alarm set of and I was quickly on my feet, a long side half of the agents around the table. “What now?” I could hear Fitz say as I started to head for the corridor once more. Hearing how the others were following I slowed down a little, soon reaching the door that we had all entered. Once the two team was standing behind me I could see how the door was opening

My eyes grow big when they landed on Maria and the three doctors that were pushing the hospital bed where Nick Fury was laying on. “What happened?” I asked as I quickly moved towards them to help. “He was shoot, Steve was there when it happened and according to him Fury had already been badly hurt when he showed up.” Maria answered me, and I looked at her. “Where is Steve and Natasha?” I asked her eyes narrowed, and Maria lets her head fall a little. “They are missing at the moment.” She answered, and I rolled my eyes.

“No one is really missing.” I answered her, this time looking down at Fury. “Fury?” Coulson said as we moved passed the teams. “What is going on here!” Clint asked, and he looked at me and Maria with narrowed eyes. “That will have to wait for now.” Maria told Clint, turning her head towards the doctors she had come with. “Take him down to the med bay as quickly as possible.” She told them, with a nod of their heads they took Fury and head away. “I need you to locate Natasha and Steve, time is starting to run out and the faster we can get to them the better it will be for everyone.” Maria then told me, and I nod my head.

“On it!” I told her, turning around I headed for the room we had all been waiting in before. “Daisy, have you made sure there is transportation in this place?” Maria than asked and I looked over my shoulder. “I thought you were in charge of that!” I told her, coming to a stop. Seeing how Maria’s eyes grow big in worry I could not help but to smile big and turning around once more. “Don’t worry Agent Hill! I have everything under control!” I told her with a laughter as I entered the room.

“May, gear up! I will need to have someone to drive, and I do not wish to be left alone with her!” I could hear Maria call out and I just rolled my eyes. Sitting down in front of the computer Steve had once given me I cast myself right into the work I had been given. There was no way I would let anything happen to Natasha and Steve if there was anything I could do to stop it.

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