✔️Chapter 11: So What's Next?

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Chapter 11: So What's Next?

Thursday Morning
Chicago, Illinois
CM Punk's House
Carrie's POV:

I sighed as I knocked on the door to Phil's house as I adjusted my duffel bag on my shoulder.

I waited for a second before I heard the door unlocking and it was opened by Phillip.

He sent me a small, hopeful smile which I returned making his smile grow and me roll my eyes.

My eyes trailed down his body to see him wearing just a pair of sweatpants and sweat dripping down his chest and abs.

He must of been working out.

Wooo damm those abs. They always get me.

He took my bag from me as I walked in and shut and locked the door behind us.

We walked into the living room and Phil laid my bag on the couch and sat down as I sat down next to him.

I sighed and turned to him as he did the same, that same hopeful smile still on his face.

"Phillip" was all I could say before he interrupted me.

"Listen, I know. I feel awful about not saying anything and keeping it a secret from you and just not trusting you with it. It's really just.......I've kinda been feeling isolated from everyone, even you and I want to be better. So baby, do you forgive me? Please" he begged slightly and I couldn't help the small smile that slid onto my face.

I let out a long sigh before nodding "Okay Phillip. But you will still take the time off, still go to see the doctor no matter what happens to me in the ring. I don't fully forgive you,but I am willing to work on it"

Phil couldn't have smiled bigger as he nodded and grabbed me easily by he hips as he sat me in his lap.

By instinct my arms went around his neck while his went around my waist as I just took this moment to stare into his eyes.

"So what's next, Phillip?" I questioned in only a whisper as we were inches apart.

Phil took a moment to look at me before shrugging as he spoke "Well, girlfriend, this for starters"

He leaned forward and without hesitation attached his lips to mine.

I was shocked, just like the first time but immediately kissed him back, once more letting him take control of the kiss.

His hands slowly moved down to grasp my ass, making me gasp and let out a little moan when his tongue decided to invade my mouth.

I pulled away to the shock of us both as I stared down at my hands "I'm sorry Phil but I can't yet. I can't let it get to far until I know I can fully trust you...."

Phil looked heartbroken as he slowly nodded "I understand. And it's my fault and I'll make it up to you baby"

I sent him a smile as we sat in an awkward silence until he broke it "So had Vince found you another partner yet?"

I cringed away at his words as I knew his reaction was gonna be bad "About that.....Well Phil, I kinda told Vince and Hunter I was doing it alone"

And he exploded.

He stood up so quickly I could barely blink as he let out a ferocious growl and started pacing and pulling at his hair in extreme anger as he mumbled things to himself.

"Phillip" I stood as I tried to get his attention which failed.

"PHIL" I yelled as he finally turned to me.

"What the fuck were you thinking Carrie?!? Fighting the SHIELD, alone, in a TLC match?! You just want to get killed! Fuck it, no I'm gonna be there. I'm not letting you fight my battles for me" He said as he plucked his phone from rhe charger to probably call Vince.

I rolled my eyes and snatched his phone before tossing it on the couch as I grabbed his hand gently "Phillip, listen to me. I will be fine. I've got the SHIELD. You get rest and get better so you can return. Please babe"

I added my puppy dog eyes and Phil groaned and looked away "That's unfair power. Fine. Fine Carrie. Fine. I'll let you do it. But that doesn't mean I won't be backstage watching every moment and ready to run out their if you need me"

I nodded in relief as I hugged him tightly and he didn't refuse it.

Eventually we pulled apart and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he guided me down the hallway.

"Now I've got to get you prepared"

With that he opened the doors to his home gym, making me groan.

He smirked and pushed me inside as he walked over to the ring "Time to show whach ya got kid"

I smirked and jumped in "Fuck you Punk"

"Anytime, any place princess" He blew me a kiss as I laughed and stuck up the middle finger at him.

Word Count: 842 Words

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