Twenty Three

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"Maddie come on!" Cecilia said, knocking aggressively on Maddie's bedroom door. "Time to get up!" Cecilia, Ally, Elyse, Autumn and Raelynn stood in the hallway, dresses and makeup in hand. For the day of the coronation had came.

"For fucks sake Maddie come on." Elyse groaned. There was no reply.

"Maddiiiieeeeeeee!" Autumn called, also knocking on the door.

"Maddie we have to be ready in like two hours." Rae said.

"Is it not just open anyway?" Ally questioned.

"Nope." Ceci shook her head after trying the doorknob.

"I can fix that." Rae pulled a hair grip out of her hair and bent it slightly, twisting it in the lock. "Come on open up." she muttered. Then, the lock clicked. "Bingo."

"Woah." Autumn's mouth dropped open.

"How long have you known how to do that? How do you even do that?" Ally asked.

"I've known for ages. And just practise." Rae shrugged.

"Can you teach me?" Elyse asked.

"Sure." Rae nodded to Elyse.

"Wait what?" Autumn questioned.

"Guys... we need to get ready?" Ceci said.

"Let's just go in." Elyse said.

"I really don't want to be Maddie's new target though." Autumn said.

"She'll kill us..." Ally said.

"Well Fairy Godmother will kill us all if we miss the Coronation. So let's just do what Elyse said and go in." Rae said, pushing open the door to reveal Maddie still in bed, snoring with a pillow over her head.

"Where's her bow? Let's put that out of reach first." Ceci said nervously.

"Maddie wake up." Elyse said, shaking her. Maddie rolled away from Elyse.

"Are you kidding? She'd hate us even more if we moved her bow." Ally pointed out.

"Maddie come onnnnn, the sky's awake. Time for you to be awake too." Autumn said, poking Maddie's head.

"Come on Maddie." Ceci said.

"Okay, extreme measures." Elyse said, getting up and walking to the bathroom. She came back with glass of water. "I suggest you stand back." she said before expertly tossing the water on Maddie's face. She instantly started to sputter and cough as she jolted upright.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" she exclaimed.

"Well that worked." Rae shrugged.

"Morning Maddie..." Autumn said awkwardly.

"Two hours, you weren't waking up." Elyse said.

"Two hours until what?" Maddie grumbled.

"It's coronation day!" Autumn exclaimed.

"How could you forget?" Ally questioned.

"Come on Maddie, you need to dry off." Ceci said.

"I'm not going." Maddie rolled onto her stomach and pulled the covers over her head.

"Yes you are. It's Ben, and I know how close you two are." Elyse said, sitting down on the bed

"Come oooonnnnn Maddie." Autumn shook her. Maddie didn't reply to either of the cousins.

"It's going to be a good day I'm sure. And we don't want to be late!" Ally pointed out.

"Speaking of late, we have like an hour and a half now so..." Rae trailed off.

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