Twenty Two

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"Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!" Ben finished. All of the parents clapped, as well as Maddie who had refused to take part in the singing and dancing. Cecilia was smiling widely but it started fading when she couldn't see her parents. Ally nudged Ceci.

"They'll turn up. We know they're always late." Ally whispered to her sister.

"Yeah..." Ceci replied, sighing. "A girl can hope though."

"They'll be here soon. Don't worry dear sister." Ally hugged Ceci as the crowd of students dissolved as they went off with their parents. Ally and Ceci were left.

"Hey guys," Rae's voice came from behind them. Ally and Ceci turned around to see Rae as well as a man with brown hair, brown eyes and stubble with a woman with short brown hair and green eyes. Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert. "Mom, dad, Cecilia and Ally. The twin daughters of Alice." Rae introduced them.

"Nice to meet you." Ceci said, extending her hand, but Rapunzel enveloped her in a hug.

"Thank you." Rapunzel said, pulling away.

"F-for what?" Ceci asked in a bit of shock.

"For helping my daughter get away from that Audrey girl. From what I heard she's quite the piece of work."

"Oh that's an understatement." Rae sniggered. "Audrey's a bit-" Rae stopped when Eugene gave her a glare. "Not a very nice person." Rae corrected herself and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you both." Ally nodded.

"So where are your parents?" Rapunzel asked, smiling.

"They're supposed to be here..." Ceci trailed off.

"Cecilia! Ally!" Came a male voice from behind them.

"Dad!" Ceci shrieked in joy and ran towards him, jumping on him like a little kid.

"Hey bunny." Coleman Walker said.

"Mum! Dad!" Ally ran over to her parents and Ceci.

"My girls." Alice smiled, pulling Ally into a hug. Ceci let go of her dad and traded places with Ally.

"Hey teacup." Coleman ruffled Ally's hair.

"Hi dad." Ally hugged him. Alice hugged Ceci tightly.

"You both look as prettier than a wildflower!" Alice said.

"Thanks?" Ceci said, pulling away.

"The wildflowers thought I was a weed." Alice shrugged as Ally pulled away from her dad. "But you two are so much better."

"Thanks mom." Ceci shrugged.

"So... where's the food?" Coleman asked, clapping his hands.

"Dad." Ally shook her head. "It's over..." she trailed off and pointed over to some tables where Maddie and her mother Merida where, but Ally's eyes were on the small boy with curly white ish hair. Ceci grinned and nudged her sister as the small boy smiled in their direction.

"It's over there." she said, pointing at the tables. Ally smiled back at the boy but then shot Ceci a glare as her cheeks went pink.

"What?" Ceci said innocently. "Let's go eat."

"Do they have custard? Or pineapple? Or roast turkey?" Alice asked as the family walked towards the food tables. Ally trailed behind the family and kept her head down.

"No roast turkey but we do have pineapple and custard." Ceci replied.

"Where?" Alice asked.

"T-there..." Ally pointed to a few bowls near where the curly haired boy was stood.

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