Chapter Two

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" Hello Miss, I am-" he began. My eyes widened. Could it be? This man killed my mother and thinks he has some right to dance or even talk to me? " Get a-away from me," I said shakily and quietly, not wanting to make a scene.

" What?" he asked and started following me. I turned and ran from the house as fast as I could in high heels. I heard footsteps behind me. He's chasing me! I started sobbing. " Katherine! Please!" I heard Nathan's voice. I turned to see him running after me. He stopped in front of me. We were at a dead end before the forrest.

He pulled me in for a hug. I sobbed into his chest. " He- he killed my mother- er," I whispered. Nathan tensed and a growl was let out of his throat. Another growl was heard and we both turned to see the man breathing heavily. " Give her to me! She is mine!" he gritted through his teeth. " I am not yours you murderer!" I choked. I looked up at Nathan and he looked torn. He grabbed my arm tightly. " Ow, Nathan, you're hurting me," I cried when pain erupted in my arm. He didn't lighten up a bit. The mans face softened and actually looked worried. " Nathan let her go, she's not yours!" he ordered.

Nathan shook his head and pushed me on the ground a foot away from him. Bolts of pain flew through my arms and legs. " Yes, alpha," he sneered and fake saluted. He looked at me. " I thought we were friends," I cried to him. " That's what you get for thinking then, huh?" he snarled.

" I guess so," I put my head down. My heart broke it felt torn to pieces. Nathan ran towards the forrest and disappeared through green.

Tears continued to fall. He left me with this murderer! ' That's what you get for thinking then, huh?' His words echoed in my mind, what have I done to deserve this? I felt hands encircle my bicep but I quickly pulled away ignoring his kindness and the pleasurable tingles that touched me.

I got up and started walking towards home, it's only a twenty minute drive so like a forty minute walk. " Hey," the guy called from behind me. I kept walking, giving him the cold shoulder. Why does he deserve my kindness?! A sudden chilled air blew through me and ached my bones. I shivered and put my arms around myself. Cursing myself for not have grabbed my jacket.

" At least let me walk you home," he said catching up to me. " Well why don't you lead? I mean you know the way," I said through tears. I knelt down and started taking off my heels. " What are you doing?" he asked.

I shook my head and got up and continued to walk. " Look I'm sorry for whatever I did," he said, begging for my attention. I didn't look at him. " You can't be sorry for murder! You can't! You made me watch as ripped my mothers heart from her chest! How could I forgive you?" I screamed at him, turning away.

I ran for the forrest. I heard him coming from behind me. I began sobbing again. Why is he chasing me? I stepped on sharp sticks and logs and they cut into my feet. I felt him grab my waist. " Nathan, save me, please!" I screamed as the guy picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I could feel his toned arms as they held me and I got an unfortunate view of his behind. " Please! Please don't hurt me! Please!" I yelled at him. I began punching and kicking his chest and back. He continued to walk as if my blows to his front and back were nothing.

He finally stopped walking and set me on a cold stone. I looked at him angrily an he looked pained. My heart hurt and my hands started shaking. " I'm sorry Katherine. I am so sorry," he said as he walked closer to me. His face was level with mine and my heart fluttered. No not fluttered, it pounded.

His lips. Those lips were mesmerizing. They were also making their way to mine. I closed my eyes in anticipation. His presence made me forget everything but him. His breathing was uneven but smelled minty and wonderful as it hit my face. His scent alone was intoxicating. It was the woodsy smell that I smelled at the diner. He was the guy. His face was centimeters from mine and he brushed his lips against mine. Explosions erupted in my stomach and my heart. I sighed. He chuckled and I opened my eyes to see his staring into mine.

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