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"A birthday wish"

Xien's POV

Hi I'm Xien Hong, I'm quite rich I must say. I'm a only daughter of the hong family, who owns the Hong Industries, which manufactures gadgets: cellphones, tabs, and etc. and today is my birthday.

"happy birthday to you~! Happy birthday to you~!" The loud singing filled our gigantic house. This is my 16th? 17th? I dont know I lost count of my birthday a long time ago.

"Happy birthday Miss Xien! Happy birthday to you!" Mom finished the song while handling me the fondant cake, it only have a single candle in my favourite shade of dark green. "Make a wish! " she exclaimed happy.

Ah wishes, it finally happened. I don't know why but I felt so unlucky. This is probably my 16th or 17th time wishing for my birthday, but not even a single one came true. I don't know why but even if I know they won't come true Just say 'make a wish' I'll do it, like what I will do now.

I closed my eyes and subconsciously made my wish. 'I wish for my past wishe's to come true, and to witness the meteor garden with my own two eyeballs' and with that I blew the candle.

"Alright! let's start the feast!" Mom announced. As all of my guest party. Each everyone of my servant dance. Dad danced mom. And the drivers danced our maids, this is what my birthday looks like every year. Its always us: me, dad, mom, maids, drivers, gardeners, and more. I know its not the best but, I must say one of the finest birthday I have.


I woke up dizzy, for all of the shiz I went trough the other night. I dress and make up for first day of my school. And we all know first day the shiz day.

"Morning Miss Xien" old lady fe greeted me.

"Morning lady fe." I replied ever so lightly while sitting lazy on our dinning table.

I was yawning and stuff completely rude but who cares? I was about sleep while my hand support my whole head from falling off. Suddenly someone just flicked my forehead that made shivers trough my spine, 'not even my mom ever flicked me that hard before! Actually no one does!' I mentally scream before turning to the boy who apparently flicked me.

He stood 5'9 tall, he have a white fair skin with plump lips. He whore a messy kimpy undercut, with bangs. He have a golden brown hair and cute narrow eyes. With his posture he looks like a korean idol.

"Stop staring picture will last longer sis" he said before plopping with a seat next to me.

"Sis?" I mumbled while farrowing my brows with him.

"Excuse me Mister I surely want a very handosome and attarctive, tall man, who looks like an idol that can sing, dance gracefully, and rap to be my brother but I'm a single child. Thank you." I said simultaneously not breaking my eyes of him.

"So if you may excuse me, why are you sitting here in my family's dinning table, and eating my mom's breakfast?" I asked ever so politely, while looking sharply at him.

"Thank you for the complement sis but. ." He stared at me with that sympathetic look on his face. "Have you finally lost it?" He trailed off while playfully rolling his eyes at me.

Then dad and mom came in. "Oh you guys should hurry you will be late." Mom said while yawning. Dad just sit and read his favourite Manila Bulletin news.

"mom. . Who's this guy!? And why does he kept calling me sis! I mean I'm an only child! And if I may have a brother I should be older than him! Not him being older than me!?" I raged while they stared at me.

"Darren. What did you do to your sister?" Mom said to 'Darren' who's apparently my OLDER brother.

"Don't know, she's been unexpectedly  loud this morning." He said cold not even looking at me. "Hey Xi stop acting like a child and gave me a picture of us. I need it" he trailled off.

"Us ? I don't know you!" I tried to protest.

"YA! " Darren yelled that send shivers down my spine. Apparently it made me shut up. "Stop acting like you don't know me and just give me your phone!"he yelled, while I just stared at him.

"Xi where's your phone?" He asked now with a soft voice. But still with that authority.

"Up" I said plain refusing to look at him. He then stood up and walk up to my room.


"Hey how many times do I have to tell you we don't have pictures together." I said as I barge in my room. He's now using my phone while laying in my bed. I lay beside him to sneakily snatch my phone but failed miserably. With his long limbs its no use. I just pout in response. While my eyes grew wide at the sight. We do have pictures together!

"When. ."

"See? I told you we do. " Darren stated calm as he scroll to dozen of our pictures together, "ofcourse we do were siblings. ." he whispered, there's funny once fierce ones, and unhappy pictures of us.

"Wow." That's the only response I could say.

"This!" He jolted. I looked at the image and its us. He has a arm around me with a soft smile was plastered on his face, while I have a light pout.

"What are you going to do with that anyways?" I asked him.

"Brother's things" he said again with that us being 'sibling' thing. He stood up while running with my phone. "Be ready well be late" he said before slamming the door.

"Ya what's happening?" I thought and suddenly a magical white girl appeared in my eyes, she look like a goddess. 'She's so pretty. .' I thought.

"Xien." She spoke. "Everything that will happen from now will be real. I'm Amanda the god of wishes. All of your wishes will come true. As you wish on your birthday. And Darren is part of it." She said coming closer to me" Hong Xien, your whole life's going to change". And she falshed a heart warming smile.

And I truly understand it after that, wishes do come true, Iits just in a right time. And with the right wish.

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