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I love youuuuuu <3 I just woke up from the best dream ever. We had a house in the country and you were pg with a girl... our little Gracie. We were miles away from a hospital and your water broke and we were on our way to town anyway for your baby shower. 50 minutes away. She was coming early. I asked you " are you ready for the ride of your life?" We were in a truck similar to my dads. And you said " step on it bear!" We got there in 30 mins. We got you a room and you were labor for 3 days I was soo scared for you and Gracie. But when she came out it was all natural and she was beautiful just like her mommy. Your dad showed up because I called him but you didnt want him to see her and you still had your restraining order. So he had police there with him. I told you it was only right for him to see her. You said only a few minutes. Why he held her you saw feeling in his eyes. He was crying. The police came in and brought him out and the last thing he said to you was that he loves you and that he was sorry. Little did we know he was headed to jail for a lot of unpaid fines. We then took our little Gracie home. And showed her to her new home and I woke up as we tucked her in for her first sleep in our new family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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