Chapter 8 // Shared POV

Start from the beginning

I don't get a proper response. Instead, I catch a glimpse of her horrified gesture and ask myself if I said something that could have bothered her. 

"You remember our weeding day?" She shrieks. "Really?"

"Yes." I shrug. She blushes and without saying a word she leans over me and kisses me with such intensity I stand there, astonished. 

"YOU REMEMBER!" She says between kisses and I giggle. "Tyler, oh Jeez. My Tyler."

This feels so good. I feel sooo happy. I love Jenna so much!

"What else do you remember?" She says, excited. 

"Not much. Just you." I say, not making sense.

She pulls me into a big hug, but I'm no longer tranquil. I guess I remember Jenna now, but I still have trouble remembering. What could this mean?

If I was capable of remembering Jenna, will I ever discover who the hell is Josh?



My feet move like thunder bolts across the street. My lungs struggle to catch air but that's ok. I'm almost there. 

When I finally see the house, I rush towards the door and knock with such intensity I feel my knuckles scream in pain. 

The cold air of a night without stars covers me, and I shiver violently.

Finally, the door opens and Jenna appears. Her gesture is pure happiness, and confusion strikes my face.

"Is Tyler ok?" I grab her by her shoulders. "Are you ok? You don't look your normal self."

Jenna nods. "We're both fine. It's alright."

I sigh and drop to the floor, feeling relieved. I received Jenna's messages at 7:50 pm, and they read:  "Tyler had a panic attack. You need to come. Now." and "Family's gone. Come noooooow."

It's been one hour since those messages were sent.

"I had to run all Ohio to come here." I say, breathing in and out. "And you're telling me you're both 'fine'? Jenna, do you hear yourself?"

She bites her lip, and without saying anything she leans over me and hugs the hell out of me. 

"Tyler remembers me!" She cheers. "He remembers our wedding day! He remembers ME!"

I have to analyze what she said for a few seconds before a smirk forms in my face. Holy shit! Those are really good news!

"Does his family know?" I ask and she shakes her head frenetically. "Jenna-"

"I'lltellthemlater." She spits it all out. "IwanttoenjoyhimwhileIcan."

I laugh. Inside the house I feel a pair of eyes staring at us. Jenna lets go and rushes inside, with me following her. On the dining table I find a confused Tyler Joseph trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle and staring at us at the same time. He looks younger and happier, and I don't know if that's possible. 

"Hi bud." I say, a little embarrassed. I lean over his chair and stare at the puzzle. "What's that?"

"Jenna said this could help me out with my memory." Tyler shrugs. "I hope it does, tho."

I'm awestruck. His sound more confident but hesitant at the same time. What had happened while I was gone?

"Why did you leave yesterday?" Tyler turns his head around to face me. "You made me face my family, you know."

"Yup, sorry for that." I bite my lip. "Let's just say that's the exact reason why I left."

He smiles and continues examining the pieces of the puzzle. I check out Jenna and find her sitting on one of the stair steps, smiling wide.

"Can I see more YouTube videos from your phone?" Tyler asks me without taking his eyes away from the puzzle. I nod, not really analyzing what he just said. I unlock my phone and give it to him. I have to say it's comical how he alternates between watching cat videos and putting pieces of plastic together. 

I get away from him and join Jenna. She has her elbows on her knees and her face is bright with pride.

"We are good parents." She says and giggles. "We now need to decide who picks him up from the kindergarten tomorrow, though."

I laugh. "It can't be me. I have a date."

"With Debby?" Jenna teases me and I get serious. "You guys are dating, right?"

"I don't want to talk about that right now." I say and she nods.

We watch Tyler in silence, and suddenly Jenna begins whispering.

"Josh, when I said Tyler had a panic attack today I wasn't joking. He actually did, and I'm afraid that it was triggered because he caught a glimpse of what happened to him that day."

I shiver. The memory of an old guilt stabs me and I have to steady myself. "What?"

"The crew. They came today and told us the story of the kidnapper. Apparently he kidnapped Tyler because he wanted him to sing for his daughter. He was after you, too."

"Oh." I remember the day I saw Tyler laying on the stretcher and how badly hurt he was. I remember Mark telling me he had an accident and I remember how I tried to deny that. "Oh shit. Oh shit."

"I know." She continues. "It was the the tour bus' honk that made him lose his mind. I still haven't asked him what he saw because I don't want to overwhelm him, but I'm sure he saw something." He paused. "Something that lead him to remember me, I guess."

I can't hear her anymore. I'm now staring at the guy in front of the dinning table. It was inevitable; we had a kidnapper after us and still we went to that coffee shop, not knowing what fate had prepared for us. I know he had good intentions, but it disgusts me. I talked shit about our fans that day while there was a girl out there, waiting to see us live. I knew something was wrong, and still I made Tyler leave. 

And after all this trouble, he decided to remember Jenna instead of me.

Maybe I have something to feel guilty after all. Maybe this was my destiny, not his. 

And God knows, if I had the power to turn back time to that exact same moment I would have turned myself in for him, a thousand times over. 

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