After my breakfast was eaten, I look to the window to see someone standing the house. Suddenly there was a loud knock on my door, making me jump.

"Miss Hemmingway, A Professor Van Helsing is outside for you" Sembene informed

"Let him in, I'll be there in a moment" I replied, raising my voice.

I looked around the room, found my black trousers, put on my brown corset with my white undershirt and I grabbed my coat after I put on my boots. I ran down the stairs, too see the Professor standing next to Sir. Malcolm making small talk until they both knew of my presence.

"Lenora, my child" Professor Van Helsing smiled and held me in a hug

"So this is your father?" Sir. Malcolm smirked " You could of told me he was a hematologist"

"There wasn't enough time to explain everything" I smiled

"You ready?" The Professor asked

"Yes, always" I smirked

I walked outside to greet the sunny morning streets of London. My nose smelt burnt wood, from last night. I looked over to Professor Van Helsing too see him standing upwards and proper.

"I was worried" He exclaimed

"I know, I am terribly sorry, for doing so, leaving my house, but Sir. Malcolm has offered me employment and for that I am grateful for his kindness of living in his " I replied

"It's good news that the knowledge that you have will be helpful to you, in the coming days, you may never know what events you'll need it for, if you're searching for those creatures that lurk in the night" He explained 

"And I'm glad that you're proud of me" I smiled "Ware we going?"

"To my humble obde there are somethings that need to be given to you" He explained, seriously

My head was still in a droozy state and most of what I was thinking was muddled and all over the place; to confusing, I might as well be a mad men. I usually thought clear, but this was like I experiencing going into the looking glass calling out for Blood Mary for a hope that she will answer just once.

We reached the professor's house, the door shut behind me, I could feel the warmth every time, I walk into the house; filled with warm colours, rich smells of fine cologne and dust.

"Have you taken it yet" He asked from the lounge room

"No , I forgot, to take some with me" I explained

"That's why you look dizzy, this medicine saves your life, not just to make you feel better" He lectured

I walked into the sitting room and saw him with a vial of clear blue liquid in a syringe. I sat down, took my scarf off and rolled up my left sleeve. Professor Van Helsing, slowly pressed the needle into my vein and I watched him squeeze the liquid go into my body.

"I'll give you the recipe, so you can make it on your own" He informed " The ingredients are easy to find, I doubt you'll have troubles"

He was gone for a couple of minutes, while I held my arm out on the chair, looking into the lit fireplace in front of me. I heard his footsteps, my head turned around to see him carrying a medical bag, he started to scatter around the house putting ingredients, books, syringes, needles, vials and a notebook into the bag. He put it on the table next to me. He was holding a book in his hands that had the colour of an old red leather chair.

"This is the utmost important book out of the thousands in this house and I thought that you're working with Sir. Malcolm, it may come in some use one way or another" He smiled

~We all have our curses~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt