The New Music Teacher

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Rachel's POV:

"Okay class, now before we start getting to work on our realism project. I've got some news for you all. Unfortunately our music teacher, Mr. Getalene, died in the hospital today from a pill overdose."
"Oh no! That's terrible!" Andrew said.
"He didn't seem like he was suffering, he was always happy." Said Alexa.
I whispered to May, "What kind of pills do you think he took?"
"I'm not sure..." May whispered. She looked at me funny.
"Why would you wanna know?"
"My life's not worth living with the situation I'm in. Had been for 6 years."
May put a hand on my shoulder.
"You can come to my house today. We can write poetry and watch Rick and Morty."
I made a small smile "Okay."
Gerard continued speaking.
"Your new music teacher is actually a friend of mine, you may have heard he's in a band called Frank Iero and The Patience..."
I stood up in my chair, alert.
May laughed.
"Settle down, Rach. That was the same reaction you had when Mr. Way was gonna be our teacher!"
I laughed and sat down. Gerard smiled back at me showing his pearly whites. He continued to talk.
"In fact, Frank will be coming to the school tomorrow to talk about his band and the tour they are on right here in the art room!"
I gasped. I wanted to meet Frank Iero so badly! Though it's not like I'll ever get to see them on tour. I can't scramble up that much money with the debt my Dad owes to rent our apartment.
"Anyways, get to work everyone!"
May and I are about to get on our bus when suddenly I hear someone calling my name?
"Rachel! Rachel! Please come here! I'd like to introduce myself!" I turned around and gasp. It's Frank Iero! But how does he know what I look like?
"Rachel, I've heard some radical things about you. Gerard talks about you like, 24/7! He told me you're name and how you're an excellent artist. He had said you always wanted to learn how to the play the accoustic guitar, so I decided we could have our first lesson today! What do you say!"
I look to May and she mouthed to me "Go for it! He's your freaking idol damnit!"
I looked to Frank and said.

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