"I didn't think about that at first. The news were a shock to me so I did the only thing I could, I tried separating the two of you. Usually I'm a level-headed person but the prospect of having another son shook me a bit. I started seeing how like me Chris was: focused, smart, hardworking and eager to learn. But days before you came home to tell me about Adriana, I entertained the thought of Denver making a mistake. He's good at his job, but even experts can make mistakes. I had a DNA test done on Chris in two separate labs. The results were without a doubt". 

"When was this test done?" I asked. 

"About two weeks ago. I sent Chris for a medical, but it was under the guise of a check-up. The doctor had his blood delivered to two private laboratories, one here in Richmond and another in Lanceville". 

"So your test was illegal. Who says you didn't bribe whoever did the tests to fabricate results?" I drilled dad. 

"And what would I have to gain from that?" he asked. 

"I don't know. You just want to ruin my happiness!" I yelled. 

I had totally forgotten about Chris, who was sitting there stone-eyed. He wasn't moving an inch. There wasn't anger in his eyes. I couldn't read any expression actually. 

"Jake, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry", dad said looking all sincere. 

I collapsed on the couch, breathing heavily. Would this tirade just end already?! 

"I refuse to believe it. I can't", I said quietly. 

"You are going through denial, that's okay. I went through denial too, but I wasn't just thinking about what repercussions this had for me. I thought of you, the two of you. I am selfish and bossy and a slave-driver and a...not a saint, but I am not cruel as to destroy for my sons - both my sons- what may be the only source of real happiness in their lives". 

I felt tears sting my eyes at dad's sincere words. It was finally sinking in. After minutes of denial the reality of it all was finally settling in my mind. I had no words to say. What do I say? I had just found out that my boyfriend was my brother and that our relationship was abominable, despicable, repulsive, offensive, revolting, vile, contemptible, disgusting. 

A fairly beautiful day had been turned into a wretched ugly day that I just wanted to be removed from existence. 

"Dad, please tell me you are joking, please", I requested desperately. "Dad, I'm happy. I don't know what you have against Chris, but he makes me happy. Please just say you are joking. I'll forgive you". 

Dad looked apologetically at me. His face was solemn, but his eyes were filling with tears. I had never seen my dad cry, either in joy or in sadness. 

I looked at Chris. He was just staring into nothingness. 

"Chris?" dad said looking concerned about his lack of reaction too. 

"I want to see the results", Chris said firmly. 

"...Very well. I don't have the hardcopies here with me, but I have softcopies on my USB flash drive", dad said. 

Chris held out his hand. Dad removed his USB flash drive from his car keys and handed it to him. I watched Chris walk to his laptop. He plugged the flash drive in. 

"Folder?" he asked. 

"Personals, then GJ and then unnamed", dad said. 

Chris clicked away on his laptop. He gazed at the screen and my eyes widened in anticipation. His face was still expressionless even when he was looking at the results. I stood up to go join him. At first all I saw on the screen were horizontal bars that were confusing. But Chris seemed to understand because he didn't scroll down for a while. 

Burning Stars (BoyXboy) (Sequel to Falling Stars)✔Where stories live. Discover now