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"Someone lost?" Harry said seductivly kissing bellow my ear, and down my neck.

"Just a little, could you help me?"

"Of course." Harry said taking my hand and leading me towards the second door on the right.

"Casa de Harry!" He yelled jumping onto the bed. I laughed and jumped on top of him.

Harry didn't hesitate to connect our lips. I brought my hands u to Harry's curls and began to pull at them causing a moan to escape harry. I smiled into the kiss and continued. Harry's hands found the hem of my shirt, and went under it. He alid it off n one quick motion, my hands following his actions, and making off his shirt was well. When harry reach for the zipper on my shorts, there was a faint knoxk on the door. I jumped off Harry, grabbing my T-shirt and bloting in the bathroom as harry opened the door greeting who I assumed was his sister.

I quickly pulled my self together before emerging from the bathroom, but staying close to the door.

"Oh, gemma! This is my girlfriend, Blair."

"Hi, its nice to finally meet you! Harry has told us much about you!" She said winking and shaking my hand.

"you too!" I said smiling at her.

"Oh, Harold, mum says dinners ready, and to get your bum down stairs." (A/N its so weird having to write with English slang being from America. Lolol. Are any of you from the U/K?)

Harry nodded, and all three of us walked down to the dinner table together.

"So I see you've met Harry's sister!" Anne said as we sat down at the table.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, she's lovey. And this food looks delicious!" I wasn't lying. She had mashed patatoes, steak, corn on the Cobb, and biscits with gravy. This was a big change from what me and summer had at the apartment. We usually lived off Mac n cheese, pizza, and popcorn.

"Oh stop!" I just laughed and dug in.


Dinner seemed to drag in forever. The whole night consisted of my mother and sister telling Blair embarrassing stories from my childhood.

"Oooookkkkaaaay!" I said grabbing Blair's hand and staring to drag her up the stairs when my mom started the story of when I wore a bra around the house, and tried to find the picture.

"But, but, but..."

"I have something to show you, so stop visualizing me in a bra, and LETS GO." Blair finally gave in and let me drag her down the stairs into the basement.

"What are we doing Harold?"

"Getting something festive for the holidays!" I said climbing back and digging through bins trying to find what I was looking for, leaving Blair standing there, getting a wonderful view of my feet.

"Ah ha! I found it!" I yelled excitedly pulling out the boxes of Christmas decorations.

"We're decorating?!"

"Mhm." Blair giggled and ran up the steps into the living room.


Tonight has to be ne of the best nights of my life since I lost my mom. Haven't decorated for Christmas like that in ages. Wr had the Christmas music going, us all singing along, the fire burning, and everyone was so happy. By the time we finished it was around 11:30 and everybody was sprawled across the couch watching Rudolph the red nose raindeer, and cuddleing. About a half hour into te movie, everyone was asleep but me. I slowly creot out of hairs arms wrapping the blanket arounfpd me, and walked out on the back deck. It was snowing, adding to the soft layer that had been spread that day. It was perfect outthere. The moon was shinning, and the snow made everything so much more romantic. My mind really wasn't on romance though. My mind was elsewhere. Off on my family actually. I missed them. Especially my sister. I missed her so much. I wish she coukpld be here with my on the holidays. Silent tears dripped down my face as i started to sing the song I would sing to her when she was stpcared when we were younger.

"May the angles protect you, trouble neglect you, and heaven accept you when its time to go home. May you always have plenty, the glass never empty and know in you're belly, you're never alone.

May your tears come from laughing, you find friends worth having. As every year passes, they mean more than gold. Make you win, but stay humble, smile more than grumble and now when you stumble, you're

never alone."

"Holy crap, blair, you never told me you could sing..." I quickly wiped away my tears and faced Harry.

"Probably because I don't sing in front of people." I responded.

"You just sang infront of me, and you did incredible. You seriously took my breath away Bee."

"But I didn't know you were there, Harold. If i knew you were there, inwouldve froze."

"What if i sang with you?" Harry asked joining me under the blanket.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and looked up at the stars.

"Its beautiful out here." I breathed.

"I know something more beautiful than the stars, ir the snow." Harry said lifting my chin with his fingers, and leaning his forehead on my own.

"What's that?"

"Your eyes." He said smiling and kissing my nose.

"You're frezzing! Lets go inside."harry said starting to leave.

"No!" I said grabbing his wrist and pulling him back.

This was the moment. I was going to sing to someone besides my sister. I took a deep breath and began.

"Well its good to hear your voice, I hope you're doin' fine and if you ever wonder, I'm lonely here tonight. I'm lost in the moment and time keeps slipping by, and if I could have just one wish, I'd have you by my side." I opened my eyes as harry began the next verse.

"Oh, oh I miss you. Oh, oh I need you."

"And I loved you more than I did before." We both finished together. I smiled up at harry cherishng this moment forever. He got me over my fear of singing I front of others. I've always dreamed of being a singer, but i was always to scared, now, I might even have a chance. With Harry's help of course.

END OF CHAPTER 14! :-) so guys, I've been thinking of writing another fanfic along with this one, but on another account, because for some reason this account wont work on my computer, and its a pain in the butt to type on this tablet thing, so if i did make another account, and wrote another story along with this one, would you read it a. PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!! Love y'allllll. (-;

"I know something more beautiful that the stars."

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