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The night carried on slowly, we ordered a pizza and were waiting for it to get dropped off in about twenty minutes. To pass the time we decided to make a huge fort in our living room that we would spend the night in tonight since there wasn't exactly room in mine and summer's rooms, and we felt bad making them sleep on the floor while we had our nice comfy beds. Oh, and by huge, I mean HUGE. you couldn't see the ground because every inch of it was covered with pillows, above it there was blankets laid down on top of chairs so we couldn't see the ceiling either. There was only one small opening to get in and out but other than that we were all surrounded in the small square. The only light source was two small laps in the corners so it was pretty dim in there. It was so much fun to build, I can't imagine how fun it will be later this evening.

*Ding dong.*

"That must be the pizza, I'll be right back." I got up pausing the music that had been playing and climbed out of our little fort.

I paid the man and hurried back with our 2 large peporoni pizza's, and sodas.

"I'm back!"

"And you brought food! You're my new favorite." I laughed at Niall, and ruffled the top of his head. I sat down the pizzas and drinks and watched everyone dig in. I went to go grab a piece when Harry did as well. Our hands brushed together, and my cheeks turned a rose color. Why did I always blush when this kid touched me? Did I really like Harry that way? That would really complicate things...

"Is someone blushing?!" Summer yelled from across the fort.

"What? Of course not. Shut up Summer." I looked up and noticed how close her and zayn had gotten. They were practically sitting on each other's laps. Didn't zayn have a girlfriend? I'll have to ask Summer about that once I get a free moment from the boys..

"Yeahhh, okay Blair." Harry said sarcastically breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Don't be a hypecrit Harold, you were blushing just as bad as she was." Liam said. Did I mention I loved that kid? He defenitely knew how to help a girl out

"Okay, can we please stop talking about my blushing habbits?!" Someone was embarrassed, I thought to myself.

We all just laughed and let the conversation change to a new topic. At about 12:30 everybody started to drift off, but me. I laid there awake until 1 am, but then got up to get a drink of water from the kitchen. I was standing there filling up my cup from the sink when l felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

I panicked at first, until I realized that it was harry.i turned around to face him, but his arms stayed wrapped around my small body.

"Harry you scared the crap out of me!" I whisper- yelled.

"Sorry love, you just looked so adorable over there, I couldn't help my self." Harry winked at me cheekly.

"Oh, Harold." I said, while melting into his hug.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I nodded and went to go grab shoes.

We walked out of the apartment and started to make our way towards the lake. It was silent at first, until Harry intertwined his fingers with my own. I need to find out what was happening with us, so I asked,

"What's going on between us Harry?" I said slowly.

"What do you mean, love?"

"I just mean.. I know you're the big flirt of the group,and I didn't want to get the wrong message, but I have developed feelings for you over the past couple days.." did I really just admit that? What's wrong with me!?

"Blair, I may be the flirt, but there's something different with you. When I'm with you, I feel like I could spend the rest of my life with you. I know that sounds weird since we've only known each other a couple of days, but I have feelings for you too, strong ones."

By this point we had stopped walking, and were standing on the waters edge. The spot where we first met.

"What are we going to do Harry? You leave for tour in three days.."I said softly looking up into his eyes.

"We'll make it work, I promise. I'm not going to lose my new friend already, okay?"

"Pinky promise?" I said a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"Pinky promise." Harry said a big smile spreading across both of our faces as we raised our pinkys, and linked them together.

"So does this mean I get to call the famous Harry styles my boyfriend?" I said cheekly as we walked down the sand, hand in hand.

"I believe it does. How lucky are you?" Harry said a smiling playing on his lips.

"Eh, not too lucky." I said kiddingly a big smile spreading across my face so he knew I was kidding.

"Oh you'll pay for that missy!" I ran down the beach trying to get away from Harry as he chased me playfully down the sand. I'm defenitely not the best runner, so harry caught up to me pretty quickly. He picked me up in his arms bridal style and carried me towards the water. I realized what he was going to do and started to squirm in his hold.

"No harry! I'm sosososo sorry! I'm very lucky to call you my boyfriend, please don't dump me in the water!" I pleaded not wanting to get wet.

"Too late babe you're going in!" I smiled at the word babe but didn't give up on my fight.

"Fine, but you're coming with me." I gripped onto Harry's neck like it was a life or death situation so if he tried to throw me, he would have to choice but the come under with me.

What happened next I didn't suspect. Harry lept into the water, and dropped the both of us into the cool water of Michigan lake. I bobbed my head above water, not being able to help the laughter escaping my lips. Harry was laughing too, but also trying to get back to me because when we went under water we get a little separated.

He finally made his way to me, and when he did, he grabbed my face in his hands gently. I stared into his gorgeous green eyes and smiled. I went up on my toes so I could reach the tall boy, and he lowered his head towards mine. Our lips collided and it was as if on que, an eruption of butterflies exploded in my stomch. I smiled into the kiss, and harry pressed down harder making the kiss more passion it. I've never had a kiss like this before. Where you can block out the rest of the world, and only be able to concentrate on that one person, where a kiss can explain more than words. I've never had one of those out of the park, homerun kind of kisses, ya know? Until now, harry changed that.

When we finally broke apart, we were both smiling from ear to ear. We didn't say anything, just linked arms, and walked out of the water. It had gotten kind of chilly, but I didnt want to complain, I was having the time of my life. I haven't been this happy in years.

"Are you cold love? You're shivering, come on, lets get home." Harry drapped his arm around my shoulders, and we started our walk back home together, talking about everything under the sun.

The last thought on my mind thought on my mind that night was that, maybe this wouldn't be so bad, even if it was rushed ..

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