An Open letter to My Crush & Boyfriend

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To the other half of my soul. All I know is that there's a burning inside me. A fire in my heart. A match that light the flame. From when I first meet you, the mystery in your eyes, your laughter, the way you smile, your jokes, had me all intrigued. My eyes focusing on this strange boy I've never meet.

You became my friend, later, my best friend. It all started one summer, we had just meet. Your dad and my dad, working at the same place, family friends. Then we grew up a little. Different schools and neighborhoods. Only seeing each other in summer school.

Then we grew up again, the dreaded middle school grade years, the last years of playing on a school playground. Walking, running, chasing you for your hat. Laughter ensuing.

It was then things changed a bit. Not just the physical changes that everyone was going through, but the emotions, feelings, figuring things out. Discovering who we are, and what we want to be. The start of everything between you and me.

It was then and there you asked me, a interesting day that was. I thought your were joking, only you weren't. I was scared, nervous, excited. I was all bubbly inside. I knew this was something exciting, and something new. Deep down I just knew at the time, that I really really really liked you.

We grew up again, just a little more, big league now, high school and the senior high. The years that matter, that really count. Get good grades. Be perfect. Avoid the jocks, the popular crowd, and everyone not like me.

Yet you were my constant. You were always there. You listened to my ranting, though I feel bad about it at times. You have been there in my darkest times, and I hope I've been there for you.

Each and every day I love you more. The way you make me smile, and make me laugh, even when I'm so low I feel lost and in a endless pit. We have made so many memories together.

I don't know what the future holds for us, or what may happen between us, whether we stay together or not after high school. So I want you to know something even though you will probably never see this:

You were: my first friend that is a guy
my first best friend that is a guy
my first boyfriend
my first ex-boyfriend
the ex-boyfriend I dated
the only boyfriend I have had
my first kiss

You are the one I've fallen in love with despite the fact I wasn't ever going to let myself. I've heard about bad relationships. I've seen what my mom has gone through, and didn't want to be hurt like her. I wanted to air on the side of caution, but I've fallen in love with you, and piece by piece you have captured my heart.

It's all yours. The key and lock,



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