love and loss a thorin fanfic

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I have dedicated this chapter to one of ma besties lol xxx love ya

I would choose Helena Bonham Carter to play Aria (above), just my choice and you can change or make suggestions if u wish

Thanks for reading....!!!!!!


She sat in the tree watching the deer like a hawk, her black hair blowing in the cool night air, blue eyes locked on her prey , bow at the ready. Just as she was about to shoot she heard a noise and the animal bolted.

without looking back she said "Gandalf you know full well not to disturb me when i am hunting"

The wizard replied " Well Aria I would'nt have to disturb you if i could find you"

"point to you, what do you want?"

"why do i have to want something when i visit my dear neice."

She climbed down from th tree and announced" you seem to forget Gandalf that i am your only niece , also the fact that you havent made the effort to visit me in over 30 years , so i will ask you again what do you want?"

" we need you aria"

"who is we?"

"A company... of 13 dwarves on a quest ..... to reclaim erebor, they are meeting in the shire in 4 days time in a house owned by a hobbit with the name Bilbo Baggins"

"WHAT they can't do that it would be suicide"

"that is why they need help. They need your help"

"i havent spoken to them since smaug took erebor what am i to  say. They probably hate me anyway, i left them."

"They think that you died that day, they would be relieved to see that you still draw breath."

"FINE! but mark my words this will be the last favour i ever do for you Gandalf. leave me."

Aria stormed back to her old isolated house and slammed the door behind her. She walked over to her bed and pulled out the box that lay beneath it. when she moved her hands over the dusty lid runes and carvings glowed blue and the top popped open revealing the treasures within.

The first item that came from the box was a curved dagger that glowed blue when she held it next came a bow and s sheath of arrows and finally came a light set of armour made from a black metal. 

Once she donned her weapons (including sword and assortment of small daggers) she left for the shire.

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