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I had wandered away and made my way back to the kissing booth stopping by the strength machine when I see My Shelly talking to that Lewis asshat.  I hear her say "OK just like we agreed to give me your five dollars."  I watch him fork over the cash.  "OK, I will keep your ticket and I have the blindfold right here turn around so I can pull this on.  I will guide you up to the girl you are to kiss."  Then I hear some asshat say "When you get done with him I will pay the five bucks to kiss you."  I glare and clench my fists holding myself back from pummelling the guy into the dirt.  I notice her look back at the booth and see Dallas waiting.  I watch My Shelly grab his waist and guide him up to the stage.  She grips his hands and places them on Dallas's face.  I see Lewis kiss the girl I watched them stiffen and pull apart.  They pulled off the blindfolds and stare at each other. Next thing I know I am walking up to the stage watching them kiss and I find myself behind My Shelly.  "You knew didn't you?"  "Yes, I knew she was part of the reason we broke up.  I didn't know who she was until Wednesday when I went out to eat with Lewis.  She recognized his truck."  "you are ok with this?"  "Yes, Noah I am ok with this.  One thing Lewis and Tuppen both taught me was that I don't deserve to settle that I deserve the moon."  I chuckle because she is so so right.  "So, you doing the booth or not?" "No, I was kidding.  I was already planning this I used it as an excuse to get her to do it.  I didn't even need her."  "OK well, I guess I  will let you get back to work."  I walk away and try to clear my thoughts.  She spoke to me with no sarcasm or hatred.  I  turn and lean against a tree and glance at the kissing booth.  I see Lee pushing My Shelly on to the stage and in place.  I didn't even realize I had gravitated forward until I heard her say "I am so going to kick your ass after this."  I watched as five different guys kissed her.  By the sixth one, I was infuriated. I walked up bought a ticket as I hear "Good, Lewis did say you were a good kisser."  I start to walk up as I watch him kiss My girl.  I watch him pull her closer and see his hands start to wander and that was it I yanked him off of my girl and whispered: "If you don't want to end up in the  hospital with a broken rib or worse leave now."  He whimpered and ran off the stage as if I was going to chase him.  I lean in and caress her cheek.  Taking a deep breath as I lean in and brush my lips against hers.  My heart starts to pound and my mind starts spinning.  I feel her hands slide up to my neck and her fingers tangle into my hair.  I sweep my tongue along her lips and she grants me entrance and I pull her close deepening the kiss.  I hear her moan and I pull away chuckling that I made her feel that way.  We rest our foreheads together because I know she feels what I do and is about to pass out.  "Damn Noah."  What how..."How did you know Shelly you're still blindfolded."  "I have smelled that cologne most of my life kind of hard to forget."  "Now can we talk?"  "Yes."  I lift her in my arms I feel someone remove her blindfold and standing in front of us is Lewis.  "Need I remind you.  You do not need to caring her around like a bail of hay..."I cut him off "Shelly, do you want to be put down or are you fine?"  She looks at him "I am ok Lewis thanks anyway I agreed to go."  "OK, Elle I am here if you need me"  "I got it."

I walked off caring my Shelly in my arms.  I only walked far enough away so no one could hear us or really see us but we could still see the booth and Lee since he was lit up.  "I guess this is far enough.  I know you wouldn't agree to leave since you have to help Lee but we need to talk."  I say as I put her down.  "what is it, Noah?"  "Don't act like you don't know what this is about."  She turns away from me.  I know it is because she is hiding her face that displays everything.  "Noah, I have no idea."  I step closer to her "really than why is it when I stand this close to you I can hear your breath hitch like mine does."  I place my hand on her shoulders and start to trail them down her arms feeling the goose bumps erupt beneath my fingers.  "When I brush my hands down your arms I fell goosebumps skim down them and feel you sway  closer to me."  I lean in so I am whispering into her ear.  "Or how when I lean in close I can hear your heart rate speed up like mine."

I turn her around so she is facing me and slowly lower my head brushing her lips with mine.  I run my tongue along her mouth hoping for entrance which she grants me.  I plunge my tongue into her mouth pulling her close to me and deepening the kiss putting everything I feel and am into the kiss to let her know without her I am nothing.  As we pull apart I notice we are both breathless.  I feel her trembling in my arms and smile with satisfaction.  I pull her closer enveloping her in my embrace as she wraps her arms around me tightly as well. "You don't know how much it drove me crazy watching Tuppen touch you.  It was worse when that Lewis guy came into the scene because I knew, unlike Tuppen I couldn't scare him off.  The worst night of my life was catching you two making out in the pool."  She looks up at me "So, that is why you didn't want him at your party."  "Yes, I didn't want to watch you in my house with him."  "I am sorry Noah."  "Will you tell me why you two really broke up."  "He realized that he could not continue seeing me he was hoping I would help him get over his ex, Well maybe now his current girlfriend.  I didn't take it hard because I had asked Lee why whenever you came near me I felt my heart speed up and my breath catch and he said he thought I was falling for you and that I should let him go.  When I told Lewis all this he agreed."  I lifted her chin so I could see those beautiful eyes and brought my lips down again and lightly kissed her.  I stared into her beautiful mesmerizing eyes and was lost all over again.  I took a shaky breath and decided it was time.  "I love you Rochelle Evans"  "I love you too Noah Flynn."  My heart soared.  She is FINALLY MY SHELLY.

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