After 6 months

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In the US, a lady is working in a kitchen and someone is calling her.

Swara swara (yes, of course she is our swara.) What happened to sanku?  (It's our hero only)
Sanky: Shona gets ready fast and we have to go now. Swara: Where? sanku Sanku: to India.
Swara: Why did we suddenly decide to go next month? Sanku: Dida is not good. Swara: what happened to die sanku.
Sanku: nothing to worry about just that she wants to see you.
Swara: nothing to promise sanku.
Sanku: kk promise They reached the airport.

Shona is in deep thought's because she is going to India after! months what at all is going to happen there she itself doesn't know.

What happened to Shona?

Nothing sanky?

Really you know that you can't hide anything from me then also shona I know everything will go according to our plan only.

Now I feel free shona Okk sanky.

Don't leave me alone please sanky.
Never ever my dear shona

Precap: face off

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