"More, mommy" She yawns.

"You are my beautiful Rose,
My love won't change as time goes,
Mommy will always love you,
And make you smile when you feel blue,
My little gem; Emily,
You bring me serenity,
I'll hold you close in my heart,
So we will never be apart"

Becca stops singing and looks at Sophie who is trying not to sleep. Emily and Rose had already drifted off.

"My one, mommy" Sophie yawns and her eyes close slowly.

"My precious one; Sophia,
You don't ever have to fear,
Cause mommy is always with you,
I will always love you too,
You're all everything to me,
You are always my babies,
Goodnight sweet dreams; my darlings
I love you all more than anything"

Becca smiles as she ends the lullaby she had written for each of her four daughters as she gave birth to them.

"That was beautiful" James kisses he cheek.

"Well, it put them to sleep" She smiles and puts Sophie down next to her.

"That song, is one special song" James says.

"Yeah, the first time I wrote the first verse was when Elizabeth was born...." Becca pauses and thinks about the lyrics.

"I know darling, but you'll always be in her heart" James hugs Becca as she tears up.

"Ninteen... she's going to be twenty this year" Becca wipes her tear.

"Yes, she has grown a lot. She will be with us soon, darling I know she will" He says stroking his wife's hair.

"Can you believe it? Sophie is going to be three in a few months" Becca asks.

"Wow, my baby is growing too fast" James smiles.

"Emily will be fourteen, and Rose will be seventeen, I can't believe it!" Becca sighs.

"I'm going to be thirty eight and you're going to be thirty six" James teases.

"Oh shush! I'm not as close to forty as you are" Becca laughs.

James pouts playfully and Becca leans in for a kiss. They kiss for a good minute and let go.

"I love you Mrs Mitchell" He smirks.

"And I love you Mr Mitchell" She giggles and kisses him again.

Sophie tosses and turns. Becca pats her softly trying to calm her.

"Well, goodnight my beautiful angels" Hames whispers to his sleeping daughters.

"Shhh!" Becca holds a finger in front of her mouth.

"Woah, okay" He lifts his hands defensively.

"I can't handle it if she wakes up again" Becca explains.

"Yes, I know. I know" James says grabbing his book to read it.

"You're always reading, just like Rose.. she takes after you" She smiles.

"And Emily's stubbornness, straight forwardness, and confidence she gets that from you" He says back, his eyes still on the book.

"Sophie's musical instrument skills are from you & her voice is from me"Becca laughs.

"Yes, all the girls have your talent in singing... exceptional voices" He smiles.

"But they get their beauty from both of us, and they get their talent in art from you, they're just all mixtures of you and I" She smiles and leans her head on her husbands shoulder.

"Goodnight honey" Becca kisses him and lays down.


Hope you enjoy this throwback chapter! More to come, so be ready 😊

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