♡ FP Jones X Reader (Part 2)

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I've always had this thought to make a part two, but I never took the time to write it. Until now!
Lvl 2

I continued smiling as I watched Fp and his gang drive away into the night. As I turned around to begin walking, a light turned on to my left, making me trip on my feet a bit. Like a bullet, I shot my head to the left.

It was Jughead, sitting on a velvet red armchair, with a face of what one might call indignation.

"Good evening, (Y/N). Would you like to inform me on your whereabouts this evening?" He asked, sounding not even in the slightest of angry.

My smile dropped, and a new face of anxiety was introduced.

"W-What are you talking about? I just went... on my evening run. You know, like I always do!" I smile, trying to subconsciously hide the fact that I had spent time and had fun with his father an hour prior.

Jughead stared at me for a few more seconds, then got up from his seat, looking at me in the process.

"Okay." He smiles, which I could tell was fake. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." Jughead walks upstairs in silence, giving me chills.

[A few days later]

It's been a few days since I've been on my evening run. I haven't gone for two exact reasons:

1. Jughead.

2. Jughead.

Let me explain.

The past few days, I've felt Jughead watching me. He'll ask me where I'm going, or make sure in in my room by 10pm sharp. My mom says its because he's 'looking out for me', but I think it's otherwise.

[One day later]

As usual, I begin to tie my (F/C) running shoes and grab my water bottle.

"(Y/N)? Where are you going?" I hear Jughead say from the living room.

"Out." I reply sassily, reaching down to my toes to begin stretching. In a seconds, a pair of feet with black socks is in front of me. I slowly roll back up, being face to face with Jughead.

Well, face to chest with him.

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/M), where are you going?" He asked, beginning to raise his voice at me.

Which took me over the edge.

"Why does it matter to you where I go all of a sudden?!" I suddenly exclaimed, making Jughead flinch for a second. "And don't say you were 'looking out for me'", I imitate him, "because that's obviously bullshit!"

Walking to the door, I open it and look back, "and DON'T bring a fucking search party just for me, I'm JUST going for a run." I slam the door.

Without warming up or taking a swig of water, I began running as fast as I could go, in the opposite direction.

'Maybe I should turn around,' I thought to myself.

'No. Just run and just do your routine in reverse,' another part of me replied.

So I ran.

With it getting dark, I began to slow down and take a break. A building was to my right that I have never seen before. My curiosity got to the best of me, so I began walking towards the small building.

The White Wrym.

Numerous motorcycles similar to Fp's were scattered all over the parking lot. A few men in leather jackets were standing in corners, a cigarette in hand and grim faces. my anxiety gradually began to spike as I made my way over to the almost barn-looking doors and opened them.

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