Pooh-san: Wait what?

Guitarhero: Don't worry 'bout it. When Patrick says he's gonna do it he does it fast.

GossipGuy: HEY IM BACK!

Pooh-san: Right. That was fast.

GossipGuy: Ok I have confirmed my theory. Yang is evil.

Boyangman left chat.

GossipGuy: anyway Ive already shared my theory wth the gals. So theyve also shared wth me their findings. They all hve questioned Cheng abt her bruise, to which she trys to avoid answering them directly. i think she's doing it out of fear of Yang. Else y doesn't she just give them the straightforward, truthful answer? Isnt tht enuf evidence?

Guitarhero: It does make sense. However, I'm sitting on the fence.

GossipGuy: Anyways im done with my research. Any ideas on what to do now?

Guitarhero: Try talking to Cheng yrself to get the full picture. Girls aren't very reliable.

GossipGuy: Excuse me? my sources are very accurate. Anyway ive already asked her myself. Same type of reply.

Pooh-san: I can ask if you like. I think I have a way with words.

Pooh-san: I mean, I conduct life-talks with Shoma. I'm basically a pro without proper qualifications.

GossipGuy: sounds like we're in gd hands.

GossipGuy: Any comment, Shoma?

ShomaDos: I don't really agree with your opinion but Imma observe Yuzuru's life talk.

GossipGuy: sure thing.


Yuzuru peeked into the classroom, seeing Cheng resting with her head on the desk. He padded over to her, Shoma in tow.


Cheng didn't bother to reply.

"How's life?" Yuzuru found the situation awkward, having to settle for such a casual question.

"Good." Cheng shot back flatly.

"Um...ok. Well, how's Yang?" Yuzuru tried again.

This time, he got a reaction.

Cheng sat up straightway, and looked past Yuzuru, towards the door of the classroom, where heads were peeking over the side of the door frame.

Glaring at Yuzuru, she pushed away her chair forcefully and rushed out of the classroom.


Shoma found her sitting on the front steps leading up to the school.

"Is everything...ok?" Shoma tapped on Cheng's shoulder.

She rounded on him. "Why does everyone keep asking me 'is everything ok'?" She mimicked Shoma's tone of voice. "You're with them, aren't you?"Accusing bitterly, she buried her face in her hands.

"With who?"

"Them." Cheng's voice came out muffled. "Yuzuru, Maia, Yuna, Patrick, everyone."

"Oh." Not knowing how to comfort or convince her, Shoma sat down on the step next to her in silence, letting the wind serve as conversation.

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