Chapter 6: I'm Going to Take Care of You

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Throughout the day and into the night, Lindsay weakens faster than Jeremy. Within just a couple hours she is unable to sit up and her breathing starts to slow. The pain is so intense that her body quickly loses its strength. Her shoulder has tripled in size and is a dark red. The others have managed to fall asleep, but the couple on the makeshift raft are kept awake. Lindsay's head is in Michael's lap, covered in his jacket, as he runs his fingers through her long dark hair. "Remember when I took you home that time from school, when we first met." "Yeah" Michael says with a small smile "Geoff was supposed to take me, but bailed out last minute." "He called me and told me to look for a dumb, loud, curly redhead." Lindsay said with a smile growing on her lips. "Liar." Michael whispered grinning down at her. "It's true, but he failed to mention cute." Michael smiled down at her, as Lindsay continued to recall their love story. "Remember I complimented your tattoos and you didn't even say thank you. You just said 'yeah, whatever.'" " Well, you kept reminding me that you had boyfriend every five minutes." "I had to remind myself." "Okay sure" Michael mumbles with a small smile. "I'll never forget the look on his face when you dumped him for me." "Best decision I ever made."Lindsay responded with a smile.

"I-I'm going to miss y-you." Lindsay whispered with tears in her eyes. "Hey, you're going to be fine. I here for you, hun. I'm never letting go" Michael whispered while holding her hand to his face and kissing the back of her hand. "Mi-Mi-Michael, I can't hold on anymore" Lindsay says weakly. "It hurts so bad." "No, don't say that you're going to make it. I can make it better. I'm going to take of you." Michael tries to reassure her. "Prom-Promise me something, when I die find someone else to love. I d-don't want you to d-dwell on m-m-me." Lindsay whispered. "No, I can't do it without you, please just hold on. Please." Michael begs her with tears already falling from his eyes. "Mi-Michal, I l-love you" Lindsay says with her last dying breath. Her brown eyes lose the last bit of life they had in them.

"NO! Lindsay wake up, PLEASE, please" Michael cries out, waking the others. "What's wrong?" Geoff asks, still half asleep. "She's...She's gone" Michael says quietly, then bursts into sobs. His whole body is shaking as he looks up to the sky and screams. His scream is full of heartbreak and pain. It was the most heartbreaking scene the friends had ever witnessed. Most of them had never even seen him cry, he was always so good at hiding his emotions. The others silently watch as Michael breaks down, then regains his composure long enough to close her eyes and as he whispered "I love you too" and kissed her forehead, he slipped her body into the water.

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Sami :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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