Chapter 1

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Xeans' POV

I sat in bed waiting for my brother to return with my gift. I heard a knock at the door and quickly sprinted towards it. I opened the door revealing my brother Cody.

"Here you go little bro" he said. Handing me the box in his hands I took it. I glanced at the box in my hands then back at him again. "Go on open it" he said. I opened the box revealing his favorite hat.

My eyes flickered from confusion. I looked back up at him and raised my eyebrow. "It's your favorite hat?" I asked. He nodded. I asked in confusion, "But why?".

He smiled. "Because I know things are hard for you right now. And since that hat belongs to me and it means alot to me just like you do I want you to have it". He sighed. "No matter what happens I'm always going to be with you". He pulled me into a hug tightly before pulling away. "I have to go now. I love you little bro" he said waving goodbye.

"Bye" I said. It was the only thing I could manage to say to him.

"Be safe". Then with that said I heard a door close. I was left in silence now.

*beep beep*

I was startled from the sound of my alarm going off. I reached over to my alarm and turned it off. Sitting up in my bed I stared at the ground. I remember that memory like it was yesterday. The last time I spoke to Cody. It has been four years since Cody died. It's been four years since I last spoke and saw him. It'd also been four years since I came out.

Getting up I walked to the bathroom which was connected to my room. Sighing as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes. I looked dead from getting barely any sleep. I closed my eyes holding back the tears that were threatening to spill out of my eyes at any moment.

I really miss you cody.

Opening my eyes and pulling myself back toghether I brushed my teeth. After I finished I took my clothes off and stepped into the shower. I flinched at the feeling of the cold water hitting my body and running down it to my scars on my wrist.

I Finished washing My body and My hair, I Turned off the water and stepped out. My reflection scared me Causing me to fall back And land into the bathtub. I sighed getting out once again. I put my hat back on And walked to my closet.

Same old same old

I sighed grabbing a hoodie and jeans. School was almost Upon me so thats annoying I hate school, its so stupid. I don't understand the concept of it. and don't give me the talk it helps you get a job. I don't need a degree to be a gay unicorn do I? Exactly.

I Put on my clothes. Hearing my phone buzz I walk over to it and open it. A text from Liddia, It read 'Stop Being Stupid And Come To School Before I Drag Your Ass Here now,' I loved Liddia She was like my sister but damn dose she make me do shit early, Its 6:30 Am and school doesn't start till 7:00 Am.

I rolled my eyes as I Walked out My front door and to the bus stop since it gets here at 6:45. I yawned as the bus pulled up, I got onand looked around, seeing Menex I sat next to him.

"Hey dude! What's up?" menex chirped Happily, making me smile. "Nothing, Just.. A dream" I whispered. I really wanted to tell him. But I Just Couldn't. "football starts today," Menex sighed. He didn't want to play anymore, but he had to since his mother made him because she didn't want him to 'Grow up Gay'. We Both know hes Gay. he just can't admit it because his mother would Basically kill him.


Getting off the bus I sighed looking around. Elijah County High school. Everytime I have to read those words I get a chill running down my spine. This school is the literal definition of prison. The amount of fuckboys that are here are shocking, Chearleaders who think are the shit, and then the worst of them all the jocks who call you a fag and throw their sweaty clothes at you.


Feeling a hand on my shoulder I looked to my left.


Excited, "You made it!" She said.

Sarcastically, "No shit." I replied.

Sighing and rolling her eyes she spoke again, "you know you're bieng more of an asshole today than usual".

I gave her a sarcastic laugh. "Mhm." I said rolling my eyes.

"You dreamed about cody again....didn't you" she asked softly. I knew she cared. She's the only one besides my parents that understands about Cody.

I closed my eyes to keep myself from crying. Without thinking I pulled her into a hug, I really needed a hug, the last time I had one was about two months ago before the last day of school. I felt water run down my cheek, realizing I was crying I pulled away from the hug and quickly wiped the tears away while sniffling.

"Will you be okay?" She asked her voice was filled with worriedness, I nodded.

"I'm back fuckers! Now let's go inside It's freezing out here," mathew said pushing in between us, opening the door he signaled us to walk inside, Liddia went ahead of me and walked inside, before walking in I looked at the sky and let another tear escape my eye.

Happy birthday Cody.

Walking inside I felt dead, The prison Didn't make it Any better. I Met eyes With Ivy

He's literal trash.

I thought and Sighed. Time to put on my bad boy act And get threw yet again, Another school year.

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